house cleaning service image

Starting a house cleaning service is a great way to help people keep their homes clean and organized. The name you choose for your business can make a big difference in attracting new customers and establishing your brand. It should be memorable, easy to pronounce, and convey a sense of trustworthiness and reliability.

At Domatron, we understand how important it is to find a name that reflects your business's values and appeals to your target market. We've curated a list of over 50 of the best house cleaning service names, each with an available .com domain and a detailed analysis of why it's a great choice.

But we know that not every name on our list will be perfect for your business. That's why we also offer a comprehensive database of thousands more name ideas that you can search using advanced keyword and concept searches. Our domain availability filter ensures that all the names you see are available for registration.

With Domatron, you can find the perfect name for your house cleaning service quickly and easily. Let's get started and find a name that will help your business shine!

Top House Cleaning Service Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Cledet icon
    Cledet Register A unique name that immediately suggests a company that specializes in cleaning. The two syllables give it a rhythmic quality that is easy to remember. The word breakdown suggests a company that is thorough and efficient, which will appeal to customers who want their homes to be cleaned quickly and effectively. Additionally, the name has a modern and fresh feel to it, making it perfect for a house cleaning service that uses the latest cleaning technology.
  • Houseize icon
    Houseize Register A name that suggests a company that will help you make your house a home by keeping it clean and tidy. The name is easy to spell and remember with the word "house" sounding familiar and the suffix "-ize" giving it a professional edge. The name is unique and not a commonly used word, increasing the chances of brand recognition.
  • Spumblify icon
    Spumblify Register A unique name that suggests efficiency and thoroughness in cleaning. The word 'spumblify' is playful and easy to remember, which will help your brand stick in people's minds. The suffix '-ify' suggests a transformation or improvement, which gives the impression that your cleaning service will transform homes.
  • Shine Ready icon
    Shine Ready Register A simple and effective name that conveys the idea of a cleaning service that will leave your home shining. The word 'ready' gives the impression of fast service, while 'shine' suggests a spotless, polished finish. The two words are easy to remember and recognize, making this name ideal for a house-cleaning service.
  • White Flush icon
    White Flush Register A clean and simple name that elegantly conveys the idea of a house cleaning service. The words 'white' and 'flush' both suggest cleanliness and purity, while the name itself is easy to remember and highly brandable. The name has a certain elegance to it, which will appeal to customers looking for a high-quality cleaning service.
  • Lazy Maids icon
    Lazy Maids Register A memorable name that suggests a laid-back approach to cleaning, perfect for customers who want a hassle-free experience. The two words flow well off each other, making it easy to remember. The name is also attention-grabbing and may make people curious enough to visit the company's website.
  • Un Spotless icon
    Un Spotless Register A distinct name that suggests a cleaning service that is thorough and detail-oriented. The word 'un' at the beginning plays off the concept of spotlessness, implying that the cleaning service goes beyond the regular standard of cleaning. The name is memorable, and the unusual combination of words will make it stand out in people's minds.
  • Petite Maid icon
    Petite Maid Register A name that evokes a sense of care and attention to detail. The word 'petite' suggests a team that will provide a customized service, taking care of the little details that often get overlooked. The word 'maid' creates a sense of professionalism and trustworthiness. Together, these words suggest a cleaning service that will give your home the attention it deserves.
  • Dirt Saver icon
    Dirt Saver Register A descriptive name that conveys the idea of cleaning even the most stubborn of messes. Dirt Saver is a name that promises to save your home from the dirt and grime that can accumulate over time. The two words are simple and easy to remember, making them ideal for a cleaning service. Additionally, the name has a strong sense of reliability and trust, conveying to customers that they can count on Dirt Saver to get the job done thoroughly.
  • Litteru icon
    Litteru Register A sleek name that suggests a cleaning service that will leave your home sparkling clean. The first syllable, 'Litter', gives the impression of removing mess, while the 'u' at the end gives the name a modern edge. The name is easy to remember and has a unique spelling, which can help with brand recognition.
  • Street Maid icon
    Street Maid Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates the purpose of your business. The word 'maid' suggests that your company takes care of the cleaning process, eliminating any clutter in your customer's life. The word 'street' adds a personal touch, suggesting you are a local business that will take care of the community. Together, these words suggest a professional, yet friendly and approachable house cleaning service.
  • Perfect Dust icon
    Perfect Dust Register A memorable name that suggests a cleaning service that will leave your home spotless. The word 'perfect' conveys a sense of attention to detail and quality, which is what customers want in a cleaning service. Additionally, the alliteration of 'perfect' and 'dust' makes the name easy to remember. Overall, this name is perfect for a house cleaning service that wants to stand out as high-quality and reliable.
  • Good Brushing icon
    Good Brushing Register A straightforward name that conveys the message of what your business does - house cleaning. It's a name that's easy to remember and understand. The name suggests a focus on quality service and attention to detail. The breakdown of the name 'Good Brushing' highlights the importance of thorough cleaning. Overall, this name will give customers confidence in your services and the assurance that their homes will be thoroughly cleaned.
  • Sanvico icon
    Sanvico Register A sleek name that suggests professionalism and an eye for detail. The two syllables make it easy to remember and pronounce, while the unique combination of sounds gives it a sense of sophistication. The word breakdown has a rhythm that is easy to say and easy to remember. It's a name that will appeal to customers looking for a high-quality cleaning service that is reliable and efficient.
  • Litterd icon
    Litterd Register A memorable name that suggests cleanliness and tidiness. The word 'litter' is typically associated with mess, but the 'd' at the end of the name gives it a sense of completion, suggesting that your house cleaning service will leave a home spotless and free of any litter. The name is easy to spell and pronounce, making it easy for people to remember and share with others. Additionally, the name has a modern feel to it, which can help attract younger, tech-savvy customers.
  • Mop Pal icon
    Mop Pal Register A simple name that evokes a friendly, approachable feeling, suggesting that your house cleaning service is easy to work with. The word 'mop' tells customers what service they can expect, while 'pal' suggests a companionable relationship. Together, the name suggests a reliable and trustworthy cleaning service that customers can count on.
  • Super Spatter icon
    Super Spatter Register A fun and catchy name that immediately evokes the idea of cleaning. The word 'spatter' suggests a thorough cleaning process that will leave your home sparkling clean. The word 'super' adds an extra element of quality and reliability to the name. The name's playfulness and memorability make it stand out from other cleaning service names, ensuring that customers will remember it when they need their house cleaned.
  • Night Maids icon
    Night Maids Register A bold name that suggests a house cleaning service that works through the night to make your home shine. The name is easy to remember and will stick in people's minds. The alliteration in the name adds to its memorability. It suggests a quality service that is dependable and thorough, giving you peace of mind.
  • Quiet Cleaning icon
    Quiet Cleaning Register A calming name that suggests a peaceful and non-intrusive cleaning service. The word 'quiet' evokes the idea of discretion and respect for your privacy. The name is easy to remember and has a positive, trustworthy feel to it. Overall, this name is perfect for those who value peace of mind and a tidy home.
  • Street Maids icon
    Street Maids Register A clear and straightforward name that lets customers know exactly what your business does. The word "maids" suggests professionalism and attention to detail, while "street" evokes the idea of a friendly, neighborhood service. The name's simplicity makes it easy to remember, and the word "street" can also suggest affordability. Overall, Street Maids is a name that will appeal to customers who want a reliable, friendly, and affordable house cleaning service.
  • Clril icon
    Clril Register A short, catchy name that is easy to remember and to pronounce. The word 'clril' suggests clarity, cleanliness, and a clear space. The name is perfect for a house cleaning service because it conveys the idea of a clean and tidy home. The unique spelling of the name makes it stand out and memorable. The name is also versatile, as it can be used for a variety of cleaning services.
  • Gourmet Cleaning icon
    Gourmet Cleaning Register A sophisticated name that suggests a high-end house cleaning service that pays attention to the finer details. The combination of 'gourmet' and 'cleaning' creates a unique and memorable name. The word 'gourmet' also suggests a high level of quality, which will appeal to customers who want the best. The name will help the business stand out and be memorable to potential customers.
  • Dirt Bee icon
    Dirt Bee Register A name that's both catchy and memorable. The name conveys the idea of hard work and attention to detail. The word 'bee' suggests a sense of community and teamwork. The name is easy to remember and the two syllables make it perfect for word-of-mouth referrals. Additionally, the name suggests a sense of playfulness, which could help create a fun and lighthearted atmosphere for clients.
  • Perfect Chores icon
    Perfect Chores Register A clear and descriptive name that conveys the idea of a professional house cleaning service. The word 'perfect' suggests a high level of quality and attention to detail, and 'chores' indicates that the service will take care of all the necessary tasks. The name is easy to remember, and the alliteration of the 'p' sound makes it catchy. Overall, the name suggests a reliable and efficient service that will leave your house looking spotless.
  • Female Maids icon
    Female Maids Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates what you do. The word "female" in the name can appeal to customers who prefer a female cleaning team. It also conveys a sense of attention to detail and professionalism. The name is easy to remember, and the simplicity of the name makes it easy to market.
  • Lautera icon
    Lautera Register A unique name that suggests a professional and efficient house cleaning service. The word 'Lautera' has a modern, trendy feel to it, which will appeal to clients looking for a fresh and contemporary cleaning service. The name sounds like a combination of 'launder' and 'terra' which could imply eco-friendliness and attention to detail. Overall, Lautera is a name that is easy to remember, and it has a certain sophistication to it that will make it stand out in a crowded market.
  • Pure Efficient icon
    Pure Efficient Register A simple yet effective name that suggests a focus on quality and efficiency. The word 'pure' implies a thorough and meticulous cleaning service, while 'efficient' promises a quick and hassle-free experience. The name is easy to remember and easy to understand, making it perfect for a house cleaning service.
  • Ever Spotless icon
    Ever Spotless Register A name that inspires cleanliness and perfection. The words 'ever' and 'spotless' create a sense of reliability and trustworthiness. The name also suggests that the service is thorough and complete, leaving no spots or blemishes behind. Additionally, the name has a reassuring and comforting quality, making it a great choice for a house cleaning service.
  • Clean Vera icon
    Clean Vera Register A simple and straightforward name that conveys the idea of a clean home. The name combines 'Clean' and 'Vera' to create a memorable, catchy name. The name sounds like a person's name, which could give the customer a sense of personalized service. The name is easy to remember, making it a great choice for a house cleaning service.
  • Load Clean icon
    Load Clean Register A simple name that evokes the idea of thorough and efficient cleaning, leaving your home absolutely clean. The two syllables of the name make it easy to remember and pronounce. The words 'load' and 'clean' suggest a no-nonsense approach to cleaning, giving potential customers the impression that your service will be thorough and effective.
  • Joint Cleaning icon
    Joint Cleaning Register A straightforward name that conveys exactly what your company does. The word 'joint' gives the impression of things being put back together, which is perfect for a cleaning service. The name is easy to remember, and the straightforwardness of the name will help potential customers understand your services quickly.
  • Sanrene icon
    Sanrene Register Sanrene is a sophisticated name that suggests a high level of professionalism and attention to detail. The word 'san' means clean in multiple languages, which links well to the house cleaning service. The name is simple to pronounce and remember, making it easy for customers to recommend your service to others. The name's unique sound and structure make it stand out from other cleaning service names. The use of 'rene' suggests renewal or revitalization, which is a great association for a cleaning service.
  • Moppery icon
    Moppery Register A playful name that suggests a company that can mop up any mess. The word 'moppery' has a catchy sound that rolls off the tongue easily, making it memorable. The unique aspect of this name is how it turns the act of mopping into a noun, which is clever and catchy. The word breakdown is simple and straightforward, making it easy to understand and appealing to potential customers.
  • Cleaner Style icon
    Cleaner Style Register A simple and direct name that conveys the idea of a clean and stylish home. The name suggests a modern and professional service that will leave homes looking their best. The two words, "Cleaner" and "Style", work together to create a sense of professionalism and reliability. The name is easy to remember and will help customers associate your brand with quality and cleanliness.
  • Cleaning Country icon
    Cleaning Country Register A name that suggests a thorough and professional cleaning service. The combination of 'cleaning' and 'country' suggests a strong work ethic and attention to detail, while also evoking a sense of comfort and homeliness. The word 'country' adds an extra layer of warmth to the name, giving the impression of a trustworthy and reliable service. Overall, this name creates a sense of trust and comfort in the customer, making them feel secure in their choice of cleaning service.
  • Cleaning Kids icon
    Cleaning Kids Register A fun and playful name that suggests a house cleaning service that specializes in cleaning up after kids. The name is easy to remember, and the alliteration of 'Cleaning Kids' makes it stand out. The name is also memorable because it's a bit unexpected; it plays on the idea of kids cleaning up after themselves, but in reality, the cleaning service will take care of it all. This name will appeal to busy parents who want a cleaning service that understands their unique needs.
  • Super Clutter icon
    Super Clutter Register A straightforward name that suggests a service that will help customers declutter their homes. The name is memorable and easy to say, which is important for a cleaning service. The word 'super' gives the impression of an exceptional service. 'Clutter' is a keyword that will resonate with people who need help getting their homes organized. Together, the name creates an image of a service that will go above and beyond to help customers achieve a cleaner, more organized home.
  • Spotless Jobs icon
    Spotless Jobs Register A straightforward yet effective name that suggests a cleaning service that gets the job done right. The name 'Spotless Jobs' implies a high level of cleanliness, something that every homeowner desires. The two words in the name are easy to remember and straightforward, making it easy to find online. The name also suggests professionalism, reliability, and attention to detail, all essential qualities for a cleaning service.
  • Lautama icon
    Lautama Register A unique name that suggests a company that will clean your house thoroughly. The word 'Lautama' has a nice ring to it and is easy to remember. The name has a distinctive sound that sets it apart from other cleaning services, making it more memorable. The 'Lau' at the start links to 'clean' while 'tama' at the end could suggest 'thorough' or 'complete'. Overall, this name suggests a premium cleaning service that will leave your house sparkling clean.
  • Swifferia icon
    Swifferia Register A snappy name that suggests quick and efficient cleaning. The first part of the name, "swiffer," evokes images of a clean, dust-free home. The second half, "ia," adds a sense of place, making it easy for customers to remember your location. The unique name will make your business stand out amongst other cleaning services.
  • Famous Maids icon
    Famous Maids Register A memorable name that suggests a high-quality cleaning service. The word 'famous' implies that your service is well-known and respected, which will attract customers who are looking for a trusted and reliable cleaning service. The word 'maids' gives the impression of a professional and efficient team, making your customers feel confident in the service you provide. Together, these two words make a name that is easy to remember and has a positive connotation.
  • Double Sweep icon
    Double Sweep Register A catchy name that suggests thorough cleaning and attention to detail. The 'double' in Double Sweep could imply that your business goes above and beyond cleaning expectations. The word 'sweep' immediately conveys the idea of cleaning, making it easy for potential customers to remember the name and what your business offers. The name is unique and memorable, making it stand out from other cleaning service names.
  • Janumi icon
    Janumi Register Janumi is a unique name that's easy to remember and rolls off the tongue. It sounds friendly and approachable, which is perfect for a house cleaning service. The name has a distinct sound that makes it stand out from other names in the industry, and the "umi" at the end suggests a connection to water and cleaning. The name's uniqueness and approachability make it a great choice for a house cleaning service that wants to stand out from the crowd.

When it comes to naming a house cleaning service, it's essential to choose a name that conveys professionalism, reliability, and attention to detail. It's also important to consider the services offered, the target market, and the message you want to communicate to potential clients. Here are some insights on the names in the list:

Some names, such as Sanalta, Sanvico iconSanvico, and Sanrene iconSanrene, use the prefix "san" meaning "clean" in Spanish. These names convey a strong message about the company's commitment to cleanliness and may resonate with Spanish-speaking clients.

Other names, such as Cledet iconCledet, Janitoro, and Moppery iconMoppery, use words that are associated with cleaning and janitorial work. These names make it clear to potential clients what services the company offers and convey a sense of professionalism and expertise.

Some names use puns or playful language, such as Spumblify iconSpumblify, Dirty Buddy, and Spotless Jobs iconSpotless Jobs. These names can be memorable and attention-grabbing, but it's important to strike the right balance between playfulness and professionalism.

Other names, such as Ever Spotless iconEver Spotless, Perfect Dust iconPerfect Dust, and Super Clutter iconSuper Clutter, emphasize the company's commitment to thoroughness and attention to detail. These names suggest that the company will leave homes looking and feeling spotless and organized.

Some names, such as White Flush iconWhite Flush, White Wipe, and White Scrub, use the color white, which is often associated with cleanliness and purity. These names suggest that the company is committed to leaving homes looking bright, fresh, and spotless.

Other names use language that conveys ease and convenience, such as Ready And Clean, Quiet Cleaning iconQuiet Cleaning, and Load Clean iconLoad Clean. These names suggest that the company will make the process of getting a home clean and organized as easy and stress-free as possible.

It's important to note that some names on the list may be too playful or obscure to convey a clear message about the company's services. It's essential to choose a name that is memorable, easy to pronounce, and easy to remember. Use Domatron's search below to explore names that create your desired message for your house cleaning service brand.

All 2000 House Cleaning Service Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Cledet icon Cledet
Houseize icon Houseize
Spumblify icon Spumblify
Shine Ready icon Shine Ready
White Flush icon White Flush
Lazy Maids icon Lazy Maids
Un Spotless icon Un Spotless
Petite Maid icon Petite Maid
Dirt Saver icon Dirt Saver
Litteru icon Litteru
Street Maid icon Street Maid
Perfect Dust icon Perfect Dust
Good Brushing icon Good Brushing
Sanvico icon Sanvico
Litterd icon Litterd
Mop Pal icon Mop Pal
Super Spatter icon Super Spatter
Night Maids icon Night Maids
Quiet Cleaning icon Quiet Cleaning
Street Maids icon Street Maids
Clril icon Clril
Gourmet Cleaning icon Gourmet Cleaning
Dirt Bee icon Dirt Bee
Perfect Chores icon Perfect Chores
Female Maids icon Female Maids
Lautera icon Lautera
Pure Efficient icon Pure Efficient
Ever Spotless icon Ever Spotless
Clean Vera icon Clean Vera
Load Clean icon Load Clean
Joint Cleaning icon Joint Cleaning
Sanrene icon Sanrene
Moppery icon Moppery
Cleaner Style icon Cleaner Style
Cleaning Country icon Cleaning Country
Cleaning Kids icon Cleaning Kids
Super Clutter icon Super Clutter
Spotless Jobs icon Spotless Jobs
Lautama icon Lautama
Swifferia icon Swifferia
Famous Maids icon Famous Maids
Double Sweep icon Double Sweep
Janumi icon Janumi
Puritax icon Puritax
Cleansing Labs icon Cleansing Labs
Sannevo icon Sannevo
Gourmet Clean icon Gourmet Clean
Freshly Perfect icon Freshly Perfect
Maid Chef icon Maid Chef
Dirt Tiger icon Dirt Tiger
Gone Bright icon Gone Bright
Nifty Shine icon Nifty Shine