house cleaning company image

Starting a house cleaning company is a chance to shine in the business world and help homeowners keep their homes tidy and organized. The name you choose is the first impression your customers will have of your company, and it should convey professionalism, trust, and reliability. Let's explore the options available to find a name that stands out, resonates with your target market, and creates a lasting impression. With the perfect name, you can create a memorable brand that inspires trust and confidence in your customers.

Finding a name for your house cleaning company can be a daunting experience, particularly when you want to find something with an available .com domain name. That's where Domatron comes in to help! We've used AI to curate a list of over 50 of the best house cleaning company names, each accompanied by a detailed analysis of why it's an excellent choice.

Moreover, our comprehensive database has thousands of other name ideas you can find using our advanced, AI-powered keyword and concept search. And with our domain availability filter, you can be sure that all the names you see are available for registration.

It's time to create an unforgettable brand that customers will trust. Let's get started on finding the perfect name for your house cleaning company!

Top House Cleaning Company Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Female Maids icon
    Female Maids Register A straightforward name that clearly indicates what the company does. "Female Maids" is easy to understand and memorable. It gives a personal touch and may appeal to customers looking for an all-female team. The name also implies a high level of professionalism.
  • Paper Cleaning icon
    Paper Cleaning Register A straightforward name that clearly states what your house cleaning company does. The word 'paper' suggests tidiness and organization, while 'cleaning' indicates a professional service that will take care of any mess. The name is easy to remember and has a no-nonsense feel to it, which will appeal to busy homeowners who want a reliable cleaning service.
  • Loving Maids icon
    Loving Maids Register A warm and welcoming name that suggests a house cleaning company that cares. The name evokes a sense of nurturing and attention to detail, making it perfect for a company that will take care of your home. The name is easy to remember and has a friendly sound, which will help the company stand out in a crowded market.
  • Cleaning Designs icon
    Cleaning Designs Register A creative name that suggests your house cleaning company brings a unique approach to cleaning. The use of 'designs' suggests that you offer customized cleaning solutions that are tailored to each client's needs. The name is easy to remember, making it an excellent choice for those who want to stand out in a crowded market.
  • Cleaning Kids icon
    Cleaning Kids Register A playful and memorable name that suggests a company that prioritizes family-friendly cleaning. The name's simplicity suggests an easy-to-use service, and the word 'Kids' implies that the cleaning will be safe and secure for everyone in the household. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to parents looking for a reliable and trustworthy cleaning service.
  • White Flush icon
    White Flush Register A sleek and modern name that suggests a clean and polished result. The word 'White Flush' could mean a deep-scrub, where everything is sparkling clean. 'White' suggests the removal of dirt, while 'flush' suggests that it'll be done thoroughly. Overall, it's an excellent name that will surely appeal to those who want a spotless home.
  • Vintage Maids icon
    Vintage Maids Register A sophisticated name that evokes images of class and style while conveying the message of a house cleaning company. The word 'vintage' suggests a sense of timeless elegance while 'maids' implies cleanliness and order. Together, the name creates an image of trustworthy and reliable cleaning services with a touch of old-world charm.
  • Coffee Cleaning icon
    Coffee Cleaning Register A fresh and memorable name that perfectly conveys the idea of a house cleaning company that gets the job done quickly and effectively - like a shot of espresso. The name is easy to remember and has a straightforward meaning that will attract customers. The use of alliteration makes it pleasing to the ear and reinforces the idea of cleanliness. Overall, it's a name that will help your house cleaning company stand out.
  • Street Maids icon
    Street Maids Register A straightforward and descriptive name that tells customers exactly what your company offers. The word 'street' suggests a local, community-oriented business focused on serving and helping people. 'Maids' is a familiar and comforting word that implies a professional and reliable cleaning service. Together, they create a name that's easy to remember and trust.
  • Shine Ready icon
    Shine Ready Register A strong, confident name that suggests your cleaning company is ready to make any home shine. The name implies that your company is well-prepared and efficient, ready to tackle any cleaning job with ease. The name's simplicity and easy-to-remember structure make it ideal for a cleaning business.
  • Gourmet Cleaning icon
    Gourmet Cleaning Register A sophisticated name that immediately communicates professionalism and high-end service. The word 'gourmet' suggests attention to detail and an elevated experience. The name clearly articulates the service you offer and is easy to remember. It will appeal to anyone who values quality and is looking for a cleaning company that delivers a premium service.
  • Perfect Chores icon
    Perfect Chores Register A simple yet effective name that conveys the idea of a house cleaning company that will make your chores disappear. The word 'perfect' suggests a high-quality service, while 'chores' is a direct reference to what they do. The name is easy to remember and straight to the point, making it an excellent choice for anyone seeking a hassle-free cleaning experience.
  • Lazy Maids icon
    Lazy Maids Register A memorable name that suggests your customers can sit back and relax while your team takes care of their home. The word 'lazy' may seem negative at first but in this context, it implies that the cleaning will be done with ease and without any stress. The word 'maids' adds a touch of professionalism to the name and implies that your team is ready to take care of everything. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to busy homeowners who want to come home to a clean and tidy space.
  • Night Maids icon
    Night Maids Register A straightforward name that tells customers exactly what your business does: cleaning homes at night. The name suggests that your service is convenient and discreet, and it's memorable and unique. The alliteration of "Night Maids" gives it a catchy ring that will stick in people's minds.
  • More Cleaners icon
    More Cleaners Register A straightforward name that tells potential customers exactly what your business does. It's easy to remember and makes your business clear from the start. The name implies that you have a large team of cleaners, which can make customers feel more confident in your ability to handle any cleaning job.
  • Maid Designs icon
    Maid Designs Register A straightforward name that suggests a professional and creative house cleaning company. The word 'designs' implies that the company will put thought and care into every aspect of their work. The name's simplicity makes it easy to remember, while also suggesting a focus on quality.
  • Sewage Express icon
    Sewage Express Register A straightforward and memorable name that clearly communicates the services your house cleaning company provides. The word 'express' implies a fast and efficient service, while 'sewage' suggests that you're willing to take on even the toughest cleaning jobs. The name is sure to grab the attention of anyone in need of a thorough house cleaning.
  • Famous Maids icon
    Famous Maids Register A memorable and catchy name that suggests a professional cleaning company that's well-known and trusted. The word 'famous' implies quality and reliability, while 'maids' is a straightforward term that conveys the services offered. The name is easy to remember and has a playful vibe that will appeal to customers. It'll help your house cleaning company stand out from the competition and become a household name.
  • Dish Keepers icon
    Dish Keepers Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates what the business does. The name suggests a company that specializes in keeping dishes clean and organized. It's easy to remember and has a clear, no-nonsense quality that will appeal to busy homeowners. The two-word structure also makes it easy to include in marketing materials and advertising campaigns.
  • Un Spotless icon
    Un Spotless Register A fresh name that suggests a cleaning company that will leave your home free from dirt and stains. The word 'un' implies that the company will undo any spot or blemish, making your home spotless. The name is creative and memorable, making it easy to recognize and recommend.
  • Total Washing icon
    Total Washing Register A straightforward name that clearly states what your company does. The name will help customers immediately understand what services you offer, which is essential in the crowded home cleaning market. The name's simplicity and clarity make it easy to remember, and the word 'total' implies thoroughness and attention to detail.
  • Spotless Jobs icon
    Spotless Jobs Register A straightforward name that immediately conveys what your house cleaning company is all about. The word 'spotless' suggests a thorough and meticulous approach to cleaning. The name also implies that your team will do an exceptional job, leaving no dirty spot behind. It's easy to remember and has a professional sound that will appeal to anyone looking for a reliable house cleaning service.
  • Bridal Maids icon
    Bridal Maids Register A sentimental name that suggests a deep connection to a happy day. The name immediately conveys that your house cleaning company is specialized in cleaning homes for weddings. The name will appeal to anyone who wants to ensure their home is clean and tidy for their special day.
  • Cleaner Able icon
    Cleaner Able Register A concise name that clearly conveys what this house cleaning company does. The name suggests that the company is capable of handling any cleaning job, no matter how big or small. The word 'able' implies skill and expertise, while 'cleaner' is a straightforward reference to the services offered. The name is memorable, easy to spell and pronounce, and suggests reliability and trustworthiness.
  • Cleaning Country icon
    Cleaning Country Register A simple yet effective name that clearly conveys what your business does. It suggests a company that takes pride in cleaning up homes, using environmentally friendly methods. The name is easy to remember, and the word 'country' evokes a sense of comfort and warmth. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to anyone who values a clean home and sustainable practices.
  • Street Maid icon
    Street Maid Register A straightforward name that immediately communicates what your company does. The name 'Street Maid' suggests a professional and reliable cleaning service that's accessible for everyday households. The simple structure of the name makes it memorable and easy to remember. Overall, it's a name that communicates trust, reliability, and accessibility.
  • Fashion Maids icon
    Fashion Maids Register A catchy name that suggests a professional cleaning service that can help you clean your home with the same attention to detail as a fashion designer. The name plays with the word 'fashion' and 'maids,' which suggest a house cleaning service that's both stylish and thorough. The name is memorable, and the combination of the two words makes it unique.
  • Dirt Saver icon
    Dirt Saver Register A straightforward name that immediately conveys the idea of a cleaning company that saves you from dirt and mess. The name 'Dirt Saver' is simple yet memorable, and it succinctly describes the company's primary objective. The two words are easy to remember and have a clear meaning, which will help the business to stand out in a crowded market. The name is perfect for a company that prides itself on providing efficient and effective cleaning services.
  • Cleaner Style icon
    Cleaner Style Register A straightforward name that conveys a sense of professionalism and attention to detail. The word 'cleaner' suggests a company that takes cleaning seriously, while 'style' implies a level of sophistication and elegance. The name's simplicity and clarity make it easy to remember.
  • Clean Cleanup icon
    Clean Cleanup Register A straightforward name that immediately communicates what your company does. It's simple and easy to remember, making it a great choice for a house cleaning company. The repetition of the word 'clean' emphasizes the company's commitment to excellent cleaning services, while the word 'cleanup' suggests a thorough and complete job. The repetition of the 'c' sounds in the name also makes it easy to say and remember.
  • Rx Cleaner icon
    Rx Cleaner Register A concise name that suggests a company that will clean your home with professional efficiency. The letters "Rx" are a common medical abbreviation, denoting a prescription for a remedy, which suggests that your cleaning company is the solution to your cleaning needs. The word "cleaner" reinforces the idea of a professional cleaning service. The name is easy to remember and will stand out in the crowded cleaning market.
  • Houseize icon
    Houseize Register A catchy name that suggests a company that can make any home look spacious, organized, and clean. The word 'Houseize' implies a process of 'making house' which people will associate with your company. It's easy to remember and will appeal to anyone looking for quality house cleaning services. Additionally, it's an excellent name that will help your business stand out.
  • Perfect Brushing icon
    Perfect Brushing Register An alliterative name that emphasizes the importance of clean homes. The name suggests that your house cleaning company will leave homes "perfectly" clean. The name is easy to remember and has a professional tone that will instill confidence in your customers.
  • Joint Cleaning icon
    Joint Cleaning Register An evocative name that clearly communicates what your house cleaning company offers. The word 'joint' suggests teamwork and collaboration between you and your clients to keep their homes tidy and clean. 'Cleaning' is a simple and straightforward word that makes it clear what services you provide. The name is easy to remember and will help your business stand out from the competition.
  • Super Chores icon
    Super Chores Register A catchy name that suggests a house cleaning company that will make tackling chores seem easy and even enjoyable. The word 'super' implies a high level of quality and capability, while 'chores' clearly indicates what the company does. The name is easy to remember and fun to say, making it perfect for a house cleaning company that wants to stand out.
  • Petite Maid icon
    Petite Maid Register A charming name that suggests a small but efficient cleaning company. The word 'petite' implies a personalized, individualized service with a keen attention to detail. The word 'maid' suggests reliability and professionalism. Together, the name conjures up images of a trustworthy, hard-working cleaning service that will leave your home sparkling clean.
  • Efficient Touch icon
    Efficient Touch Register Efficient Touch is a name that suggests a house cleaning company that gets the job done quickly and efficiently, with a focus on attention to detail. The word "efficient" conveys speed and accuracy, while "touch" suggests a personal, hands-on approach. The combination of these two words makes it clear that your company will provide a thorough cleaning service, without wasting time. It's memorable and easy to pronounce, making it perfect for a company that wants to stand out from the crowd.
  • Make Me Fresh icon
    Make Me Fresh Register A simple name that suggests a house cleaning company that will leave your home feeling fresh and revitalized. The name also implies that using this service will make your life less stressful and more enjoyable. It's an easy name to remember and is perfect for a business that wants to stand out in a crowded market.
  • Maintaining Care icon
    Maintaining Care Register A simple yet effective name that conveys the idea of taking care of homes. The name suggests a professional and trustworthy service, with an emphasis on maintaining a clean and healthy environment. The word 'care' implies that the company is dedicated to providing the best possible service to its clients. It's a name that will appeal to people who want their homes to be cared for by reliable and professional cleaners.
  • Cleaneros icon
    Cleaneros Register A fresh and modern name that suggests a company that will clean your home thoroughly and efficiently. The word 'eros' conveys the idea of love and passion, which makes it an excellent name for a business that takes pride in its work. The word 'clean' in the name will help customers know what services your company offers, while the 'o' ending gives it a unique and memorable sound. Overall, it's a name that will make your house cleaning company stand out from the crowd.
  • Maid Beauty icon
    Maid Beauty Register A simple and straightforward name that suggests a house cleaning company that will leave your home looking beautiful. The name is easy to remember and has a positive, uplifting feel. The word 'maid' implies professionalism and dedication, while 'beauty' suggests a focus on the details and making things look their best. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to anyone who wants a clean and beautiful home without the hassle.
  • Dirt Clubs icon
    Dirt Clubs Register A unique name that suggests a company that will tackle the toughest cleaning jobs with ease. The word 'dirt' is straightforward and memorable, while the word 'clubs' implies a team of professionals working together to get the job done. The combination of the two words suggests a company that's not afraid to get their hands dirty and will work tirelessly to leave your home spotless.
  • Master Dirt icon
    Master Dirt Register A bold name that immediately suggests a cleaning company that's not afraid to tackle even the toughest dirt. "Master" implies expertise and skill, while "Dirt" is a straightforward and relatable term that everyone can understand. The word breakdown is simple, making it easy to remember. Overall, it's a name that instills confidence in customers that you can handle even the dirtiest of cleaning jobs.
  • Clean Bulbs icon
    Clean Bulbs Register A straightforward name that suggests cleanliness and brightness. The name implies a company that takes pride in their work and makes sure everything shines. The two words are easy to remember and make the company sound professional.
  • We Bleary icon
    We Bleary Register A unique and memorable name that suggests your house cleaning company will leave your clients' homes spotless and sparkling. The word 'bleary' refers to tiredness or fatigue, but in this context, it suggests that the company will take care of all the cleaning tasks, leaving the clients free to relax and unwind. The alliteration of the 'B' sound gives it a catchy ring, making it an easy name to recall.
  • Get Clutter icon
    Get Clutter Register A bold and straightforward name that tells your customers exactly what they can expect - a clutter-free home. The name is memorable and easy to remember, which is perfect for a house cleaning company. The name is also catchy and has a call to action that will encourage people to sign up for your services.
  • The Spatters icon
    The Spatters Register A memorable name that suggests a cleaning company that tackles tough stains and messes with ease. The word 'spatters' conveys the idea of splatters and spills, which is something that a cleaning company might deal with on a regular basis. The unique nature of the name makes it stand out from other cleaning company names, while the simplicity of the name makes it easy to remember.

When it comes to choosing a name for a house cleaning company, it's important to select a name that conveys professionalism and cleanliness. Some names suggest a specific service, such as Bath Maids, Lawn Cleaner, or Paper Cleaning iconPaper Cleaning, which can help attract customers looking for those particular services. Here are some other common themes and examples:

One popular theme for cleaning company names is a focus on maids or cleaners themselves. Names such as Female Maids iconFemale Maids, Vintage Maids iconVintage Maids, Loving Maids iconLoving Maids, Night Maids iconNight Maids, Bridal Maids iconBridal Maids, and Petite Maid iconPetite Maid play on the idea of having a dedicated cleaning professional.

Another common theme is a focus on spotlessness or cleanliness, such as Total Washing iconTotal Washing, Spotless Jobs iconSpotless Jobs, Un Spotless iconUn Spotless, The Spatters iconThe Spatters, or Cleaner Able iconCleaner Able. These names suggest that your company is dedicated to leaving homes in pristine condition.

For a more creative approach, consider names that play with words or use puns, such as Dirty Buddy, Coffee Cleaning iconCoffee Cleaning, Street Maids iconStreet Maids, Cleaner Style iconCleaner Style, Clean Cleanup iconClean Cleanup, or Maid Beauty iconMaid Beauty. These names can be memorable and catchy, making them more likely to stick in potential customers' minds.

You can also consider names that evoke a sense of care and attention to detail, such as Perfect Chores iconPerfect Chores, Efficient Touch iconEfficient Touch, Maintaining Care iconMaintaining Care, or Master Dirt iconMaster Dirt. These names suggest that your company takes great pride in providing top-quality cleaning services.

Some cleaning company names suggest a more unique or specialized service, such as Gourmet Cleaning iconGourmet Cleaning, Cleaning Designs iconCleaning Designs, or House Machines. These names suggest that your company offers a specialized, high-quality cleaning experience.

Finally, some cleaning company names evoke a sense of trust and reliability, such as Cleaning Kids iconCleaning Kids, More Cleaners iconMore Cleaners, or Cleaner Mind. These names suggest that your company is dependable and trustworthy, which can be particularly important in the cleaning industry.

In conclusion, there are a variety of themes and approaches you can take when choosing a name for your cleaning company. Consider what sets your company apart and what values you want to convey to potential customers. Use Domatron's name search below to generate ideas and find the perfect name for your house cleaning company.

All 2000 House Cleaning Company Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Female Maids icon Female Maids
Paper Cleaning icon Paper Cleaning
Loving Maids icon Loving Maids
Cleaning Designs icon Cleaning Designs
Cleaning Kids icon Cleaning Kids
White Flush icon White Flush
Vintage Maids icon Vintage Maids
Coffee Cleaning icon Coffee Cleaning
Street Maids icon Street Maids
Shine Ready icon Shine Ready
Gourmet Cleaning icon Gourmet Cleaning
Perfect Chores icon Perfect Chores
Lazy Maids icon Lazy Maids
Night Maids icon Night Maids
More Cleaners icon More Cleaners
Maid Designs icon Maid Designs
Sewage Express icon Sewage Express
Famous Maids icon Famous Maids
Dish Keepers icon Dish Keepers
Un Spotless icon Un Spotless
Total Washing icon Total Washing
Spotless Jobs icon Spotless Jobs
Bridal Maids icon Bridal Maids
Cleaner Able icon Cleaner Able
Cleaning Country icon Cleaning Country
Street Maid icon Street Maid
Fashion Maids icon Fashion Maids
Dirt Saver icon Dirt Saver
Cleaner Style icon Cleaner Style
Clean Cleanup icon Clean Cleanup
Rx Cleaner icon Rx Cleaner
Houseize icon Houseize
Perfect Brushing icon Perfect Brushing
Joint Cleaning icon Joint Cleaning
Super Chores icon Super Chores
Petite Maid icon Petite Maid
Efficient Touch icon Efficient Touch
Make Me Fresh icon Make Me Fresh
Maintaining Care icon Maintaining Care
Cleaneros icon Cleaneros
Maid Beauty icon Maid Beauty
Dirt Clubs icon Dirt Clubs
Master Dirt icon Master Dirt
Clean Bulbs icon Clean Bulbs
We Bleary icon We Bleary
Get Clutter icon Get Clutter
The Spatters icon The Spatters
Wash Keeper icon Wash Keeper
Sports Cleaning icon Sports Cleaning
Dirty Spots icon Dirty Spots
Perfect Dust icon Perfect Dust
Maid Soap icon Maid Soap