real-time strategy game image

Real-time strategy games are an exciting genre that combines thoughtful planning, quick reflexes, and a love of competition. A great name can make players feel as if they're part of an epic adventure and give you an edge over your competitors. Let's work together to find a name that captures the excitement and energy of your real-time strategy game and inspires players to compete in epic battles.

Choosing the right name for your real-time strategy game can be challenging, especially if you want to find a name with an available .com domain. That's where Domatron comes in to help! We've used AI to select the best real-time strategy game names from millions of available .com domains.

Our list of over 50 names includes a detailed analysis of why each name is an excellent choice. But, if you don't find what you are looking for, don't worry! We also provide access to a comprehensive database of thousands more name ideas that you can search using our advanced keyword and concept search. Our domain availability filter ensures that all the names you see are available for registration.

So, let's dominate the competition with an unforgettable name for your real-time strategy game. Let's get started!

Top Real-Time Strategy Game Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Simopia icon
    Simopia Register Simopia is a unique and memorable name that suggests a strategic game with a strong narrative. The first part "Sim" gives the impression of simulation, while "opia" implies a place or world. Together, the name makes us think of a simulated world where players can immerse themselves in strategy and adventure. The name is short, easy to remember, and has a modern feel that will attract a younger audience.
  • Action Controller icon
    Action Controller Register An energetic name that conveys excitement and action, perfect for a real-time strategy game. The name suggests control and power over the game, and the word "Action" indicates the fast-paced nature of the game. The two-word structure of "Action Controller" makes it easy to remember and the alliteration adds a catchy rhythm. This name will appeal to gamers who crave a thrilling and engaging experience.
  • Strate Able icon
    Strate Able Register A memorable, impactful name that conveys a sense of strategy and capability. The word 'Strate' suggests a focus on strategy games, while 'Able' conveys the sense of competence and skill required to succeed in such games. The two syllables make it easy to remember and pronounce. The name breakdown is simple yet effective, and the combination of the two words creates a unique and brandable name.
  • Battleix icon
    Battleix Register An epic name that evokes the excitement and thrill of battle. Battleix sounds like a modern, futuristic name that will attract gamers. The word 'ix' at the end adds a unique twist to the name. The word 'battle' suggests a competitive and strategic game, making it clear what the game is all about. Overall, the name Battleix is memorable, unique, and perfect for a real-time strategy game.
  • Attack Tactics icon
    Attack Tactics Register A dynamic name that evokes the excitement and intensity of a real-time strategy game. The word 'attack' suggests that players will need to be aggressive and proactive to win, while 'tactics' implies that strategy and planning are also crucial. The name is easy to remember and has a strong, commanding sound that will appeal to gamers looking for a thrilling experience.
  • Strateify icon
    Strateify Register A sophisticated name that perfectly describes a real-time strategy game. 'Strateify' is unique and easy to remember, and the name breakdown suggests a strategic approach to the game. The word 'ify' at the end of the name also adds a sense of modernity and tech-savviness, making it appealing to younger gamers. The name is a perfect fit for a competitive and challenging game.
  • Simtia icon
    Simtia Register A captivating name that suggests a game with complex strategies and decision-making. The name has a modern and tech-savvy feel, which will appeal to a younger audience. The unique combination of "sim" and "tia" creates a memorable name that's easy to pronounce. Its uniqueness makes it stand out, helping it become a recognizable brand.
  • Secret Commander icon
    Secret Commander Register A mysterious and intriguing name that suggests a game that revolves around strategy. The name evokes the idea of a secret agent taking charge and making decisions that shape the outcome of the game. The two-word structure of the name makes it easy to remember and provides versatility for future branding. The name's uniqueness will make it stand out and attract players.
  • Strategic Coding icon
    Strategic Coding Register A smart name that conveys intelligence and precision, perfect for a real-time strategy game. The word 'strategic' suggests a game that requires careful planning and thoughtful execution, while 'coding' implies a complex and intricate system. The name breakdown indicates that it's a game that will reward players who take a strategic approach, and the name is easy to remember.
  • Mission Junction icon
    Mission Junction Register A memorable name that suggests a game that's all about strategy and mission. The name "Mission Junction" implies that players will need to navigate various missions and challenges, making the game engaging and exciting. The alliteration in the name makes it easier to remember, and the name sounds strong and confident, which will appeal to gamers.
  • Invadeo icon
    Invadeo Register A powerful name that suggests a game that's all about conquering and dominating. The word 'invade' is easy to remember and conveys the idea of taking charge. The 'eo' ending gives the name a unique and memorable sound that will appeal to gamers looking for something different. The name's brevity makes it easy to write and say.
  • War Brigade icon
    War Brigade Register A strong and commanding name that perfectly captures the essence of a real-time strategy game. The name suggests a group of warriors coming together for a common cause, which is perfect for a team-based game. The name is short and easy to remember, which is essential for a successful game brand. It also has a powerful ring to it, which will make it stand out among competitors.
  • Over Command icon
    Over Command Register An authoritative name that conveys the power and control that comes with leading an army in real-time strategy games. The words "over" and "command" work together to create a sense of control, while the double "O" adds a sense of balance to the name. The name is easy to remember and has a confident and powerful feel. It's a name that will appeal to gamers who want to feel in charge.
  • Battle Matters icon
    Battle Matters Register An empowering name that conveys the importance of strategy in battle. The name suggests that every move and decision matters, which is perfect for a real-time strategy game. The two-word structure makes it easy to remember and the alliteration of the "B" sound gives it a catchy feel. The name will appeal to gamers who enjoy the thrill of competition and the satisfaction of strategic victory.
  • Mission Beacon icon
    Mission Beacon Register A commanding name that suggests a sense of importance and purpose. The word 'beacon' evokes images of guiding light, while 'mission' implies a sense of urgency and direction. The two words together make a great pair, giving the impression of a strategic game with a clear objective. The name is easy to remember and has a strong presence, making it a great fit for a real-time strategy game.
  • Strateic icon
    Strateic Register Strateic is a name that suggests a focus on strategy, planning, and decision-making. The name is straightforward and professional, making it perfect for a real-time strategy game. The word breakdown shows that the name is a combination of "strategy" and "logic," which reinforces the idea of a well thought-out game. The name also has a modern and technological feel that will appeal to gamers.
  • Transfer Strategy icon
    Transfer Strategy Register A commanding name that suggests a game that involves making strategic moves to gain an advantage. 'Transfer' implies moving resources, troops, or strategies, while 'Strategy' suggests a game that requires careful planning and execution. The name is easy to remember and has a professional sound that will appeal to serious gamers. The two words share the same 'ra' sound, which adds to its memorability. Overall, the name is perfect for a real-time strategy game that requires quick thinking and strategic planning.
  • Real Time Program icon
    Real Time Program Register A clear and straightforward name that conveys the idea of a game that unfolds in real-time. The name is easy to understand, and the word "program" gives an impression of a sophisticated and complex system. "Real Time" is a common phrase in gaming, so players will instantly recognize what the game is about. Additionally, the name has a no-nonsense feel that will appeal to gamers who value efficiency and functionality.
  • Strategic Youth icon
    Strategic Youth Register A strategic name that perfectly captures the essence of a real-time strategy game. "Strategic Youth" suggests a game that requires careful planning and quick thinking. The name also has a youthful and energetic feel to it, making it appealing to a younger audience. The two words are easy to spell and pronounce, making it easy to remember.
  • Commandism icon
    Commandism Register A bold name that suggests a game that will demand strategic thinking and decision-making skills. The word "Commandism" is powerful and suggests the player will be in control. The "-ism" suffix implies a sense of ideology or system, which could make players feel like they are part of something bigger. The name is easy to remember and has a strong brandable quality.
  • Mission Sure icon
    Mission Sure Register A focused name that suggests a game with clear objectives and goals. The word "Mission" implies a sense of purpose and direction, which is perfect for a real-time strategy game. The word "Sure" adds a feeling of confidence and certainty, making it a name that inspires trust in the game's ability to deliver an engaging and challenging experience. The two words are simple and easy to remember, making them perfect for a game title.
  • Tactical Jet icon
    Tactical Jet Register A sharp name that suggests the game will involve strategic military operations. The word 'tactical' is commonly associated with strategy games, making it a perfect fit for a real-time strategy game. The word 'jet' adds a sense of speed and power, evoking the feeling of being in charge of a high-tech military operation. Together, this name is memorable and creates a strong sense of what the game will be about, making it easy for gamers to remember and recommend.
  • Strate Mode icon
    Strate Mode Register A futuristic name that suggests a strategic game that requires players to be strategic. The word 'Strate' is short and easy to remember, which is perfect for a game. The word 'Mode' indicates that it's a game that requires strategy. Together, the name implies a game that is challenging and requires strategic thinking. It's a unique name that has a futuristic feel to it, which will appeal to gamers who enjoy a challenge.
  • Simovia icon
    Simovia Register A distinctive name that sounds modern and futuristic, perfect for a real-time strategy game. The word 'Simovia' may suggest a simulation game set in a fictional place. The name's length and the repeated 'i' sound make it easy to remember. It's unique and stands out from other game names, which will help the game gain more attention.
  • Commandmatic icon
    Commandmatic Register A commanding name that suggests a strategic and powerful game. The word 'Command' implies control and authority, while 'Matic' suggests automatic or systematic. Together, they convey the idea of a game that requires strategic thinking and planning. The name is unique and memorable, making it stand out from other game titles.
  • Ultimate Era icon
    Ultimate Era Register An epic name that evokes the idea of an amazing and unforgettable era in history. 'Ultimate' suggests a game that's going to take players on a grand adventure, while 'Era' alludes to a specific period with unique characteristics. The name is easy to remember and has a strong, impactful sound that will appeal to gamers. The name's structure makes it easy to incorporate into marketing materials, and its uniqueness will help it stand out in a crowded gaming market.
  • Strategic Select icon
    Strategic Select Register A strategic and memorable name that evokes the idea of carefully selecting your moves in real-time strategy games. The name is easy to remember, and the word "select" suggests a level of control and decision-making. The two words stand out on their own, so it's easy to create a brand around it. The name is versatile, meaning it could work for a variety of strategy games, giving it broad appeal.
  • Planctia icon
    Planctia Register Planctia is an intriguing name that suggests a strategic game set in a new and unexplored world. The name doesn't have a clear meaning, which adds to the mystery and excitement of the game. The word structure and the sound of the name make it easy to remember, and it's unique enough to stand out in a crowded gaming market. Players will be hooked by the game's immersive experience and the thrill of discovering a new world.
  • Rapid Mission icon
    Rapid Mission Register An action-packed name that suggests speed and urgency, perfectly suited for a real-time strategy game. The word 'rapid' implies that the game will be fast-paced and thrilling. The word 'mission' suggests players will have a clear objective to achieve, which will be a huge draw for strategy game enthusiasts. The name is easy to spell and remember, which will make it easier for players to recommend it to others.
  • Command Mark icon
    Command Mark Register A commanding name that evokes a sense of strategic power and leadership. The name suggests a game that requires a strong sense of direction and decision-making skills. The word 'command' is empowering, making players feel like they are in control. The word 'mark' suggests that players will leave their mark on the game, making it their own. This name has an authoritative and memorable feel that will attract players who love strategy games.
  • Battle Whale icon
    Battle Whale Register A bold and memorable name that suggests a game with epic battles featuring giant creatures. The word 'battle' is straightforward and gives the impression of a fierce competition. The word 'whale' is an unexpected and interesting choice that will help the name stand out. The alliteration makes the name catchy and easy to remember. Overall, it's a name that will attract players interested in strategy games with a unique twist.
  • King Tactics icon
    King Tactics Register A commanding name that suggests a game of strategy and leadership. 'King' evokes the idea of a powerful ruler, while 'tactics' implies a game of skill and cunning. The two words work well together and are easy to remember. The name also has a competitive edge to it, which will appeal to gamers who love real-time strategy games.
  • Stratece icon
    Stratece Register A strategic name that implies intelligence, planning and foresight. The name is easy to remember and pronounce, making it perfect for a real-time strategy game. The word 'Stratece' is short, memorable, and has a futuristic feel to it, which will appeal to gamers who enjoy games that require mental agility. The unique spelling of the name also adds to its memorability, making it stand out in a crowded market.
  • Command Ahead icon
    Command Ahead Register A commanding name that suggests a strategy game that's all about taking control and leading your forces to victory in the game. The two words in the name are easy to remember and easy to pronounce. The name is powerful and memorable, perfect for a game that requires strategic thinking and quick reflexes. The name also suggests that players will be in charge of their own fate, which is a unique selling point.
  • Rannr icon
    Rannr Register Rannr is a short and memorable name that's perfect for a real-time strategy game. It's unique and has a strong, futuristic feel to it, which will appeal to fans of the genre. The name is also easy to remember and pronounce, making it perfect for word-of-mouth marketing. The double 'r' in the name gives it a sense of speed and action, which is perfect for a strategy game.
  • Combatize icon
    Combatize Register A commanding name that suggests a game filled with action, strategy, and skill. The word 'Combatize' means to prepare for battle, which is ideal for a real-time strategy game. The 'ize' suffix is common in tech and suggests that the game will be modern and innovative. The name is unique and memorable, making it stand out in a crowded gaming market.
  • Warira icon
    Warira Register An exotic-sounding name that evokes the idea of a battle or war. This name is perfect for a real-time strategy game because it suggests competition and conflict. The name is easy to remember and has a unique sound, which will make it stand out in a crowded gaming market. The name's uniqueness will make it a valuable asset in creating a strong brand identity.
  • Stealth Commander icon
    Stealth Commander Register A commanding name that conveys the idea of a strategic, military game. The word "stealth" suggests a tactical approach to gameplay, while the word "commander" implies authority and leadership. The name is easy to remember and will appeal to gamers who enjoy real-time strategy games. It's a strong name that will help your game stand out in a crowded market.
  • Battle Harbor icon
    Battle Harbor Register A bold name that suggests an exciting, high-stakes game. The word 'battle' implies conflict and competition, while 'harbor' suggests a place of refuge and safety. The contrast between these two words creates a unique and intriguing name that will appeal to gamers looking for a challenge. The name is also easy to remember, making it perfect for a real-time strategy game.
  • Strategic Tracker icon
    Strategic Tracker Register A strategic name that perfectly captures the essence of a real-time strategy game. "Tracker" suggests the importance of keeping tabs on your opponents, and the word "strategic" implies that players will need to think critically to succeed. The name is easy to remember and has a strong, commanding sound that will appeal to gamers. The clear and straightforward nature of the name will help attract players looking for a game that's easy to understand and play.
  • Strataium icon
    Strataium Register A sophisticated name that suggests a complex and multi-layered game. The word 'strata' means layers, which indicates a game with depth and complexity. The suffix "-ium" gives the impression of a futuristic and cutting-edge experience, which will appeal to gamers looking for the latest technology. Together, "Strataium" has a unique and memorable ring to it, which will help it stand out in a crowded market.
  • Strataal icon
    Strataal Register A bold and memorable name that conveys the excitement and competitiveness of real-time strategy games. "Strata" suggests levels or layers, which is perfect for a game that involves strategic decision-making. The "aal" ending gives it a unique and distinctive feel that sets it apart from other game names. The name is short, easy to remember, and has a strong sound that will stick in your mind.
  • Xonmo icon
    Xonmo Register A unique name that suggests a futuristic and complex game. The word 'Xonmo' has a tech-savvy feel to it, which is perfect for a real-time strategy game. The name is short and memorable, making it easy to recall for players. The unusual combination of letters makes it stand out from other game titles and creates a sense of intrigue and mystery. Players will be drawn to the name and will want to explore the game.
  • War Pow icon
    War Pow Register A strong name that suggests a game with intense battles and strategic gameplay. The word "war" evokes a sense of conflict and competition, while "pow" gives it an explosive impact. The two syllables make it easy to remember, and the alliteration in the name makes it sound even more dynamic. Overall, it's a memorable name that will appeal to fans of real-time strategy games.

Choosing the right name for a real-time strategy game can be a daunting task. The name must reflect the game's epic nature and its challenging nature while being memorable, easy to say, and relevant to the game. Here are some themes to help choose the perfect name for your game.

One effective strategy is to incorporate words that convey a sense of power and strength, such as Battleix iconBattleix, Warira iconWarira, War Brigade iconWar Brigade, Rapid Mission iconRapid Mission, Combatize iconCombatize, and Battle Whale iconBattle Whale. These names evoke a sense of action, conflict, and the need for quick thinking, which is perfect for a real-time strategy game.

Another approach is to use names that convey a sense of strategy and planning, such as Strategic Moment, Simopia iconSimopia, Strategic Coding iconStrategic Coding, Mission Sure iconMission Sure, and Transfer Strategy iconTransfer Strategy. These names imply that players must think strategically to succeed in the game, which is a core aspect of real-time strategy gameplay.

A third option is to use names that evoke a sense of exploration and discovery, such as Savvy Galaxy, Ultimate Era iconUltimate Era, Planctia iconPlanctia, and Xonmo iconXonmo. These names suggest that players will be exploring new worlds and discovering new technologies and strategies, which is a hallmark of many real-time strategy games.

Another naming approach is to incorporate words that convey a sense of leadership and command, such as Secret Commander iconSecret Commander, Commandism iconCommandism, Command Mark iconCommand Mark, and Stealth Commander iconStealth Commander. These names suggest that players are taking on a leadership role, commanding troops, and making strategic decisions that will impact the game's outcome.

You could also take inspiration from historical or mythological figures, such as Rannr iconRannr, Strataium iconStrataium, and King Tactics iconKing Tactics. These names add an epic and heroic dimension to the game, which can help attract players who are looking for that kind of gameplay experience.

Lastly, consider names that evoke a sense of unity and teamwork, such as Mission Junction iconMission Junction, Mission Beacon iconMission Beacon, and Mission Brothers. These names suggest that players will be working together toward a common goal, which can be a significant selling point for multiplayer or cooperative real-time strategy games.

In conclusion, a good name for a real-time strategy game should convey a sense of power, strategy, exploration, leadership, or teamwork. Use Domatron's name search below to explore these themes further to find a name that suits your game's unique brand and message.

All 2000 Real-Time Strategy Game Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Simopia icon Simopia
Action Controller icon Action Controller
Strate Able icon Strate Able
Battleix icon Battleix
Attack Tactics icon Attack Tactics
Strateify icon Strateify
Simtia icon Simtia
Secret Commander icon Secret Commander
Strategic Coding icon Strategic Coding
Mission Junction icon Mission Junction
Invadeo icon Invadeo
War Brigade icon War Brigade
Over Command icon Over Command
Battle Matters icon Battle Matters
Mission Beacon icon Mission Beacon
Strateic icon Strateic
Transfer Strategy icon Transfer Strategy
Real Time Program icon Real Time Program
Strategic Youth icon Strategic Youth
Commandism icon Commandism
Mission Sure icon Mission Sure
Tactical Jet icon Tactical Jet
Strate Mode icon Strate Mode
Simovia icon Simovia
Commandmatic icon Commandmatic
Ultimate Era icon Ultimate Era
Strategic Select icon Strategic Select
Planctia icon Planctia
Rapid Mission icon Rapid Mission
Command Mark icon Command Mark
Battle Whale icon Battle Whale
King Tactics icon King Tactics
Stratece icon Stratece
Command Ahead icon Command Ahead
Rannr icon Rannr
Combatize icon Combatize
Warira icon Warira
Stealth Commander icon Stealth Commander
Battle Harbor icon Battle Harbor
Strategic Tracker icon Strategic Tracker
Strataium icon Strataium
Strataal icon Strataal
Xonmo icon Xonmo
War Pow icon War Pow
Warsinc icon Warsinc
Ruluc icon Ruluc
Simrino icon Simrino
Simomatic icon Simomatic
Captain Command icon Captain Command
Ruleor icon Ruleor
Mystery War icon Mystery War
Action Commander icon Action Commander