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Starting a personal training company is an exciting venture, and the name you choose will be the cornerstone of your brand. A great name should instantly convey the essence of your company, inspire potential clients to sign up for your services, and establish you as an expert in the personal training field. Let's work together to find a name that captures the spirit of your business and attracts clients who share your passion for fitness.

The process of finding a name that is both memorable and available as a .com domain can be challenging. That's where Domatron comes in. We've handpicked over 50 of the best names for your personal training company, each with an available .com domain and a detailed analysis of why it's an excellent choice.

If you're looking for more options, our comprehensive database of thousands of other names can be searched by keyword and concept, ensuring that you can find a name that resonates with your personal training company's unique values and mission. We update our lists regularly, so you can be sure that all the available names you see are available for registration.

It's time to stand out in the personal training industry with a memorable name. Let's start building your brand today!

Top Personal Training Company Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Supergevity icon
    Supergevity Register A powerful name that implies strength and longevity through its use of the word "super" and "gevity." The name suggests a personal training company that helps clients achieve their fitness goals and live a long and healthy life. The combination of "super" and "gevity" also suggests a level of excellence and professionalism. Overall, it's a name that will inspire confidence and trust in potential clients.
  • Constant Strength icon
    Constant Strength Register A confident name that conveys the idea of strength and consistency. The word 'constant' suggests reliability and perseverance, which is perfect for a personal training company. The word 'strength' is straightforward and tells customers exactly what your company offers. The name implies a focus on long-term progress and results, rather than quick fixes.
  • Fitness Setup icon
    Fitness Setup Register A straightforward name that suggests a personal training company that will help you set up a fitness routine that works for you. The name is easy to remember and gives clients an idea of what to expect. The word 'setup' conveys a sense of order and structure, which will appeal to those looking for a disciplined approach to fitness. The simplicity of the name suggests a no-nonsense approach to training, making it easy to trust.
  • Sweat Masters icon
    Sweat Masters Register A motivational name that immediately suggests a company that helps clients achieve their fitness goals through hard work and dedication. The word 'masters' implies a high level of expertise, making it a perfect name for a personal training company. The two words together form an alliteration, making it easy to remember.
  • Exertor icon
    Exertor Register A strong name that embodies the idea of pushing oneself to the limit. The word 'exert' means to apply oneself strenuously, which perfectly embodies what a personal training company does. The 'or' ending makes it sound authoritative and professional. The unique structure of the name makes it easy to remember and stands out in a crowded market.
  • Force Ahead icon
    Force Ahead Register A dynamic name that suggests progress, drive, and motivation, perfectly suited for a personal training company. 'Force' implies strength, power and determination, while 'Ahead' suggests moving forward and achieving goals. Together, they create a name that inspires confidence and action, and it's easy to remember.
  • Muscle Skills icon
    Muscle Skills Register An effective name that communicates the core message of what your personal training company can provide. "Muscle Skills" suggests the development of specific skills to build and tone muscles. The name is clear and straightforward, making it easy to understand and remember. The use of two straightforward words makes it easy to brand, and the alliteration makes it memorable. Overall, it's a name that is both professional and approachable, appealing to anyone looking to improve their physical abilities.
  • No Strength icon
    No Strength Register A unique name that suggests that strength isn't everything when it comes to fitness. It's short and memorable, making it easy to recall. The name is perfect for a personal training company that wants to promote a more balanced approach to fitness, focusing on flexibility, endurance, and overall wellness.
  • Training Build icon
    Training Build Register A strong and impactful name that immediately conveys the idea of building your physical strength through training. The two words are simple and memorable, making it easy for customers to remember. The word 'build' suggests the idea of growth and progress, which is perfect for a personal training company. The name's straightforward structure and meaning make it an excellent choice for a business that wants to inspire its clients to achieve their fitness goals.
  • Dyna Workout icon
    Dyna Workout Register A dynamic and energetic name that perfectly captures the essence of a personal training company. "Dyna" suggests power and strength, while "Workout" sums up the company's purpose. The name is easy to remember and has a modern feel to it, making it a great choice for a business that wants to stand out.
  • Build It Fit icon
    Build It Fit Register A simple and straightforward name that immediately tells your potential clients what your business is all about. "Build It" conveys the idea of strength and determination, while "Fit" emphasizes health and wellness. The name is easy to remember and suggests a no-nonsense approach to fitness. The use of alliteration makes it catchy and fun, and it's versatile enough to be used for various types of personal training businesses.
  • Force To Go icon
    Force To Go Register A commanding name that suggests the idea of pushing yourself to achieve your goals. The word 'force' implies strength and power, while 'to go' suggests forward movement and progress. The name is easy to remember and has a strong sense of motivation, which will appeal to anyone looking for a personal training company that will help them reach their fitness goals.
  • Cardioio icon
    Cardioio Register A catchy and memorable name that suggests a focus on cardiovascular health. The combination of "cardio" and "io" gives a futuristic feel, which could appeal to a younger audience. The name is unique and easy to spell, making it ideal for branding purposes. It's a name that will help your personal training company stand out in a crowded market.
  • Lean Stronger icon
    Lean Stronger Register A powerful name that evokes the idea of becoming leaner and stronger. The words 'lean' and 'stronger' perfectly capture the essence of a personal training company, suggesting that clients will achieve a toned and muscular physique. The name is easy to remember and has a motivational feel to it, which is perfect for a company that helps people achieve their fitness goals.
  • Self Trainers icon
    Self Trainers Register A straightforward and clear name that conveys professionalism and expertise. It's easy to understand, making it appealing to potential clients who want to work with personal trainers who know what they're doing. The word 'self' implies that clients will be able to take control of their fitness, while 'trainers' suggests guidance and support. The straightforward nature of the name will make it easy to remember, and it'll appeal to anyone looking for a no-nonsense personal training business.
  • Body Labor icon
    Body Labor Register A powerful name that suggests your personal training company will help people work hard and achieve results. The name implies a focus on physical labor and effort, which is perfect for a fitness brand. The combination of 'body' and 'labor' reinforces the message that your company will help people build strong, healthy bodies through hard work and dedication.
  • Brighter Fitness icon
    Brighter Fitness Register A vibrant name that suggests a personal training company that will help you achieve your fitness goals with energy and enthusiasm. 'Brighter' implies a positive and motivational experience, while 'fitness' is clear and to the point. The structure of the name is easy to remember, making it more likely that people will find their way to your business.
  • Mr Agility icon
    Mr Agility Register A strong name that conveys the qualities of agility and flexibility. It suggests a personal training company that will help clients become more agile and nimble. The title "Mr." adds a personal touch, implying that clients will receive personalized, one-on-one attention. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to anyone looking for a fitness program that emphasizes agility and flexibility.
  • Weights Plus icon
    Weights Plus Register A straightforward name that conveys the idea that your personal training company includes weight training in its workouts. The word 'plus' implies additional benefits and suggests that your training goes beyond just weights. It's a simple and memorable name that's easy to understand and will appeal to those looking for a personal trainer who emphasizes strength training.
  • Gourmet Gym icon
    Gourmet Gym Register A unique and creative name that perfectly combines 'gourmet' and 'gym.' It suggests a personal training company that values quality, excellence, and attention to detail. The name breakdown is straightforward, making it easy to remember. It's a name that will attract fitness enthusiasts who want a personalized training experience.
  • Powerful Guys icon
    Powerful Guys Register A strong name that conveys the message of strength and power for a personal training company meant for guys - or anyone looking to achieve a powerful physique. The name is easy to remember and has a masculine ring to it, which will appeal to a male audience. The word 'powerful' emphasizes the company's ability to produce real results for its clients, while 'guys' suggests a friendly, approachable vibe that will make customers feel at ease.
  • Exercises Plus icon
    Exercises Plus Register A straightforward name that conveys the idea of personal training with extra benefits. The word 'plus' suggests additional value or services. The name is easy to remember and has a professional ring to it, making it perfect for a personal training company.
  • Muscle Events icon
    Muscle Events Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates what the company does. "Muscle" implies strength and fitness, while "Events" suggests a dynamic and engaging experience. The two words work together to create a name that's both memorable and descriptive. The structure and easy pronunciation make it easy to remember, while the name's straightforwardness will attract customers looking for personalized training programs.
  • Sported Up icon
    Sported Up Register A dynamic name that suggests getting active and energized. The word 'sport' implies physical activity and competition, which is perfect for a personal training company. The name is easy to remember, and 'up' adds a positive and motivational feel to it. The name is also short and snappy, making it easier to brand and market.
  • Body Meters icon
    Body Meters Register A concise and straightforward name that immediately suggests a personal training company. The name 'Body Meters' implies a scientific and data-driven approach to fitness, which will appeal to those who want to track their progress. The word 'body' suggests a focus on the whole person, rather than just physical fitness. Overall, it's a name that will inspire confidence in your clients and highlight the professionalism of your services.
  • Energizeur icon
    Energizeur Register An energetic and dynamic name that perfectly captures the essence of a personal training company. 'Energizeur' suggests an ability to energize and motivate clients to reach their fitness goals. The word is a play on the word 'energizer', which means to invigorate or stimulate, making it unique and memorable. Its French-sounding structure gives it an air of sophistication, which could appeal to a wide range of clients.
  • Body Wanted icon
    Body Wanted Register An attention-grabbing name that suggests your business can help people achieve their desired physique. The name is straightforward, easy to remember, and makes it clear what your business is about. The word 'wanted' implies that people are actively seeking a solution, and your business can provide that solution. The name's simplicity and clarity will make it easy for potential clients to find you.
  • Fitsiest icon
    Fitsiest Register A catchy and memorable name that immediately suggests fitness and health. The word 'Fitsiest' implies that your personal training company will help clients become the fittest version of themselves. The suffix '-iest' is often used to indicate 'the most', making it aspirational. The name is distinctive and easy to remember, making it perfect for a business that wants to stand out.
  • Personal Instinct icon
    Personal Instinct Register A personal training company needs a name that conveys expertise and trustworthiness, and Personal Instinct does just that. This name suggests that your trainers will work with each client's individual instincts, goals, and preferences to create a personalized training regimen. "Personal" implies tailored, one-on-one training, while "Instinct" suggests a natural, intuitive approach. The name is easy to remember, pronounce, and spell, making it perfect for a fitness brand.
  • Whiz Fitness icon
    Whiz Fitness Register A dynamic name that suggests energy and enthusiasm, perfect for a personal training company. 'Whiz' conveys the idea of quickness and efficiency, which will appeal to busy clients who want to maximize their workouts. The name also sounds friendly and approachable, making it easy to remember.
  • Pocket Trainers icon
    Pocket Trainers Register A simple and memorable name that immediately suggests a company that provides personalized fitness training. The word 'pocket' implies something that can be carried with you, and 'trainers' is a clear indication of what the company does. The name is easy to remember and has a modern feel that will appeal to a younger audience. The name also suggests an intimate and personalized experience, which is a unique selling point for a personal training company.
  • Mr Runners icon
    Mr Runners Register A simple and straightforward name that conveys the idea of running and fitness. The use of 'Mr' adds a personal touch, implying a one-to-one approach to personal training. The name is easy to remember, and the word 'runner' suggests a focus on endurance and strength. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to anyone looking for a fitness coach who can help them achieve their goals.
  • Cardioy icon
    Cardioy Register A sleek and modern name that immediately brings to mind thoughts of movement and energy. It's easy to remember and easy to say, making it perfect for a personal training company. The word 'Cardio' suggests that the company will focus on cardiovascular exercise, which is essential for overall health. The 'y' at the end of the word gives it a trendy and youthful feel, appealing to a younger audience.
  • Boss Strong icon
    Boss Strong Register A strong name that suggests a company that will help you become physically and mentally strong. The word 'boss' implies power and control, while 'strong' conveys physical and mental strength. The name's brevity and simplicity make it easy to remember, and it has a modern and empowering feel to it.
  • Ultra Strongly icon
    Ultra Strongly Register A bold name that suggests this personal training company is all about building strength and pushing boundaries. The word 'ultra' implies going above and beyond, while 'strongly' suggests a focus on strength training. The name's simplicity and straightforwardness make it easy to remember and perfect for a company that emphasizes results.
  • Exertable icon
    Exertable Register A dynamic name that suggests your personal training company can help clients push themselves to new levels of fitness. The word 'exertable' implies strength and endurance, which is exactly what people want from a personal training company. The word breakdown ('exert' + 'able') hints at the ability to perform at a higher level. It's an empowering name that will make clients feel motivated and energized during their workouts.

When it comes to naming a personal training company, it's essential to choose a name that motivates potential clients to take action and achieve their fitness goals. Many of these names play on words relating to strength, fitness, and endurance.

One popular theme is strength and power, with names such as Mighty Stronger, Force Ahead iconForce Ahead, No Strength iconNo Strength, and Ultra Strongly iconUltra Strongly. These names suggest that your company focuses on building strength and power and are ideal for clients looking to build muscle and become stronger.

Another common theme is endurance and fitness, found in names such as Fitness Setup iconFitness Setup, Cardioio iconCardioio, Sweat Masters iconSweat Masters, and Whiz Fitness iconWhiz Fitness. These names suggest that your company focuses on helping clients improve their overall fitness and endurance through cardio and other forms of exercise.

Other names tap into the idea of personal training and the expertise and guidance that trainers provide, such as Traineds, Simply Trainers, Self Trainers iconSelf Trainers, and Pocket Trainers iconPocket Trainers. These names emphasize the role of the personal trainer in helping clients achieve their fitness goals.

For those who want to get creative with their name, there are unique options like Gourmet Gym iconGourmet Gym, Body Ninjas, and Xtreme Coach. These names are memorable and stand out from the crowd, but it's essential to ensure they still convey your company's message and brand.

Many of these names use puns and wordplay, such as Muscleify, Muscle Events iconMuscle Events, and Exertable iconExertable. These names are catchy and memorable, but be careful not to choose a name that's too obscure or difficult to understand.

Ultimately, the name you choose for your personal training company should be memorable, motivating, and reflective of your brand and values. Use Domatron's search tool below to explore names that inspire you to help your clients achieve their fitness goals.

All 2000 Personal Training Company Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Supergevity icon Supergevity
Constant Strength icon Constant Strength
Fitness Setup icon Fitness Setup
Sweat Masters icon Sweat Masters
Exertor icon Exertor
Force Ahead icon Force Ahead
Muscle Skills icon Muscle Skills
No Strength icon No Strength
Training Build icon Training Build
Dyna Workout icon Dyna Workout
Build It Fit icon Build It Fit
Force To Go icon Force To Go
Cardioio icon Cardioio
Lean Stronger icon Lean Stronger
Self Trainers icon Self Trainers
Body Labor icon Body Labor
Brighter Fitness icon Brighter Fitness
Mr Agility icon Mr Agility
Weights Plus icon Weights Plus
Gourmet Gym icon Gourmet Gym
Powerful Guys icon Powerful Guys
Exercises Plus icon Exercises Plus
Muscle Events icon Muscle Events
Sported Up icon Sported Up
Body Meters icon Body Meters
Energizeur icon Energizeur
Body Wanted icon Body Wanted
Fitsiest icon Fitsiest
Personal Instinct icon Personal Instinct
Whiz Fitness icon Whiz Fitness
Pocket Trainers icon Pocket Trainers
Mr Runners icon Mr Runners
Cardioy icon Cardioy
Boss Strong icon Boss Strong
Ultra Strongly icon Ultra Strongly
Exertable icon Exertable
Sportbility icon Sportbility
Agile Muscle icon Agile Muscle
Dew Fitness icon Dew Fitness
Fitness Smash icon Fitness Smash
Training Haven icon Training Haven
Body Ables icon Body Ables
Young Trainer icon Young Trainer
Motivics icon Motivics
Training Starter icon Training Starter
Muscleized icon Muscleized
Running Able icon Running Able
Mighty Strongly icon Mighty Strongly
Exertal icon Exertal
Personal Masters icon Personal Masters
Tough Moves icon Tough Moves
Mister Trainer icon Mister Trainer