movie site image

Starting a movie website is an exciting venture. You can share your love of movies and bring joy to your audience. Whether you're creating a streaming service, a movie review website, or something else, you'll need a name that draws attention and sets expectations for your website's content. Let's work together to find a name that conveys the spirit of your movie website and encourages visitors to explore your content.

But with so many taken domain names, it can seem like finding the perfect name is impossible. That's why this article is for you! Domatron makes it easy to find a name that stands out with a matching .com domain.

We've curated a list of the best movie website names, each with a detailed analysis of why it's a great choice. We also offer access to our comprehensive database of thousands of potential names you can search using keywords and concepts. With our daily domain availability filters, you can be confident that all the names you come across are available for registration.

It's time to launch your movie website with a name that will capture the attention of movie lovers everywhere. Let's get started!

Top Movie Site Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Hollywood Guys icon
    Hollywood Guys Register A fun, catchy name that evokes the glamour and excitement of Hollywood. It's a great way to capture the imagination of movie fans and let them know that your site has the latest news, reviews, and more.
  • Cinebility icon
    Cinebility Register A clever take on the words 'cinema' and 'ability,' conveying the idea of having the ability to watch movies. It's a great way to capture the idea of convenience and accessibility.
  • Video Volta icon
    Video Volta Register A brilliant name that combines the idea of video streaming with the concept of 'volta' – a term used in poetry and music to signify a change in direction. It suggests that the site will offer a wide range of movies and entertainment.
  • Virtual Actress icon
    Virtual Actress Register A creative name that conveys the idea of movies coming alive. It suggests that users will get to be inside the movie and have a special, immersive experience.
  • Hollywood Peak icon
    Hollywood Peak Register A perfect name for a movie site, evoking the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. The word 'peak' implies that this will be the ultimate destination for movie viewers.
  • Clever Movies icon
    Clever Movies Register A playful take on the idea of movie-watching. The word 'clever' implies that the movies are smart and engaging, perfect for a movie site.
  • Click Trailers icon
    Click Trailers Register A clever name that combines the modern concept of online streaming with the idea of a movie trailer, suggesting that customers can easily find and watch the movie they're looking for. The word 'click' also implies ease and convenience.
  • Glam Film icon
    Glam Film Register A glitzy name that suggests the glamour of the movie industry. It implies that your site will provide an experience that is both stylish and entertaining.
  • Savvy Movies icon
    Savvy Movies Register A great name that implies knowledge and expertise in the world of movies. It suggests that your site will provide the latest, most relevant information on movies.
  • Cinemaify icon
    Cinemaify Register This name captures the idea of a movie-watching experience that is both easy and enjoyable. It suggests a modern, tech-savvy approach to watching movies.
  • Click Trailer icon
    Click Trailer Register A playful name that suggests the ease and convenience of watching movies online. The word 'click' implies that it will be easy to navigate and find what you're looking for, while 'trailer' implies that you can watch previews of upcoming movies.
  • Plrax icon
    Plrax Register A modern, tech-savvy name that implies the ease of movie streaming. The short, sharp syllables convey a feeling of speed and convenience, which is perfect for a movie streaming site.
  • Instant Trailers icon
    Instant Trailers Register An easy-to-remember name that suggests quick and easy access to movies. Perfect for a movie streaming site that wants to give customers a hassle-free way to watch movies.
  • Cirama icon
    Cirama Register This name is a clever take on the words 'cinema' and 'drama', suggesting that your site will bring together the best of both. It's a great choice for a movie-related business.
  • Trailer Engine icon
    Trailer Engine Register This name perfectly encapsulates the excitement and energy of the movie industry. It suggests that your movie site is the engine that drives the film industry. It's a powerful, dynamic name with a lot of potential.
  • Criteriono icon
    Criteriono Register A clever name that implies there is a standard or criteria for the movies featured on the site. It also conveys the idea of movies as an art form and suggests that the movies have been carefully curated.
  • Hollywood Passion icon
    Hollywood Passion Register A name that suggests the excitement and glamour of the movie industry. It implies that the site will be a destination for people to experience the passion and drama of movies.
  • Super Actress icon
    Super Actress Register A clever name that conveys the idea of being a star. It suggests that your site will help people find their way to the 'big screen', making them the 'super actress' of their own story.
  • Filmtivity icon
    Filmtivity Register A clever combination of 'film' and 'activity', this name implies that your movie site is full of fun and engaging experiences. It's also easy to remember, making it perfect for a movie site.
  • On Streamer icon
    On Streamer Register Streamer plays on the idea of streaming movies, suggesting fast, easy access to a variety of films. It's a clever name that is memorable and stands out.
  • Movieedia icon
    Movieedia Register A clever combination of 'movie' and 'encyclopedia', giving the impression of a comprehensive, all-encompassing movie site. It conveys the idea that Movieedia will be a one-stop shop for movie-lovers.
  • Glam Movie icon
    Glam Movie Register A fun name that conveys the idea of watching movies in style. It suggests a luxurious, exciting experience for customers.
  • Hollywood Hound icon
    Hollywood Hound Register A fun take on the idea of movies and movie-watching. The 'Hound' part implies a sense of loyalty and commitment, while 'Hollywood' implies glamour and excitement. It's the perfect name for a movie site that wants to be seen as luxurious yet accessible.
  • Mighty Tube icon
    Mighty Tube Register A strong, bold name that suggests an abundance of movie choices. It implies both power and accessibility, making it the perfect name for a movie site. The word 'tube' also has connotations of streaming, which is perfect for an online movie site.
  • Hollywood Bear icon
    Hollywood Bear Register An attention-grabbing name that conveys a sense of fun. It implies that the movie site will provide an exciting, unique viewing experience - just like a bear in Hollywood!
  • Yummy Movie icon
    Yummy Movie Register A fun, upbeat name that conveys the idea of enjoying a movie. It's a playful and memorable name that will make people think of delicious snacks and a good time.
  • Core Cinema icon
    Core Cinema Register A strong name that captures the idea of movies being the core of entertainment. It also suggests a shared experience – the idea of watching movies together and enjoying them as a group.
  • Video Caliber icon
    Video Caliber Register A modern name that suggests a high level of quality and expertise. It implies that your movie site has a wide selection of films, all of which are of the highest caliber.
  • Expert Trailers icon
    Expert Trailers Register A perfect name for a site that helps people find the latest movies. It implies that you will provide expert guidance and advice on which movies to watch, and that you will be the go-to source for trailers.
  • Theatre Hero icon
    Theatre Hero Register A fun name that implies your site is a hero for movie-lovers. It conveys the idea that your site is a dependable source for movie enthusiasts – a place where they can always find their fix.
  • Cinefirma icon
    Cinefirma Register A cool name that stands out and gives off a feeling of professionalism and expertise. The word 'firma' implies stability and reliability, which is perfect for a movie site.
  • Traileria icon
    Traileria Register A creative name that captures the idea of watching movies as an adventure. It suggests that your movie site will provide an exciting journey through the world of film.
  • Cinemaite icon
    Cinemaite Register This is a great, memorable name that combines the words 'cinema' and 'site'. It gives off the feeling of a vibrant online movie community, where people can come together to share their passion for movies.
  • Dramaum icon
    Dramaum Register A clever name that combines 'drama' and 'museum', suggesting a place where you can explore the world of movies. It gives off the feeling of an exciting, immersive experience.
  • Dramaia icon
    Dramaia Register A clever name that encapsulates the experience of watching a movie. Dramaia suggests the excitement, escapism, and emotion that comes with watching a film.
  • Screensify icon
    Screensify Register A clever name that implies you're taking the movie-watching experience to the next level. 'Screens' implies the technology involved, while 'ify' implies a transformation. Perfect for a movie site that wants to stand out from the crowd.
  • Premier Reel icon
    Premier Reel Register A perfect name for a movie site, as it suggests the highest quality of films. The word 'reel' suggests the idea of a movie reel, taking you back to the golden age of cinema.
  • Hollywood Age icon
    Hollywood Age Register A clever play on words that implies a connection to the glamour and excitement of the movies. It suggests a site that is up-to-date with the latest movie trends and news.
  • Morning Movie icon
    Morning Movie Register A modern, catchy name that conveys the idea of watching movies from the comfort of your own home. It suggests a relaxed, enjoyable experience that can be enjoyed in the morning or any time of day.

One of the main themes here is Hollywood. We have names like Hollywood Guys iconHollywood Guys, Hollywood Peak iconHollywood Peak, Hollywood Passion iconHollywood Passion, Hollywood Hound iconHollywood Hound, Hollywood Age iconHollywood Age, and Hollywood Bear iconHollywood Bear. These names specifically draw upon the history and glamour of Hollywood. This shows that you want to create a movie site that is associated with the classic image of Hollywood.

Another theme you'll see is glamour. We have names like Flickette, Glam Film iconGlam Film, Glam Movie iconGlam Movies, Posh Film, Yummy Movie iconYummy Movie, Super Actress iconSuper Actress, and Mighty Tube iconMighty Tube. These names imply a level of sophistication and opulence that you want your movie site to have. It's all about bringing the glitz and glamour of the movies to your customers.

The third theme we see here is technology. We have names like Video Volta iconVideo Volta, Virtual Actress iconVirtual Actress, Click Trailers iconClick Trailers, Cinemava, Cinemaify iconCinemaify, Filmeum, Plrax iconPlrax, Screen Alley, Instant Trailers iconInstant Trailers, Cirama iconCirama, Trailer Engine iconTrailer Engine, Cineux, Criteriono iconCriteriono, Inter Reel, Trailerify, Triple Reel, On Streamer iconOn Streamer, Movieedia iconMovieedia, Vidvis Core Cinema iconCore Cinema, Video Caliber iconVideo Caliber, Expert Trailers iconExpert Trailers Filmytics Theatre Hero iconTheatre Hero Cixion Cinefirma iconCinefirma Traileria iconTraileria Filmgy Cinemaite iconCinemaite Dramaum iconDramaum Dramaia iconDramaia Actionica Premier Flix Screensify iconScreensify Premier Reel iconPremier Reel. All of these names imply that you're creating a movie site that utilizes technology to provide superior services for customers. You're creating a site that's on the cutting edge of streaming services and film reviews.

The fourth theme we see in these names is action. We have names like Clever Movies iconClever Movies Savvy Trailer iconSavvy Trailers Savvy Movies iconSavvy Movies Clever Movies iconClever Movies Click Trailer iconClick Trailer Flix Source Chat Movies Glam Movie iconGlam Movie Mighty Tube iconMighty Tube Posh Film Yummy Movie iconYummy Movie Vidvis Core Cinema iconCore Cinema Video Caliber iconVideo Caliber Expert Trailers iconExpert Trailers Filmytics Theatre Hero iconTheatre Hero Cixion Cinefirma iconCinefirma Traileria iconTraileria Filmgy Cinemaite iconCinemaite Dramaum iconDramaum Dramaia iconDramaia Actionica Premier Flix Screensify iconScreensify Premier Reel iconPremier Reel. All of these names imply that users will be able to have an interactive experience with your movie site. They can chat with other users about movies or watch trailers for upcoming films.

Finally, we see a fifth theme in these names: modernity. We have names like Modern Cinemas Instant Trailers iconInstant Trailers Cirama iconCirama Trailer Engine iconTrailer Engine Cineux Criteriono iconCriteriono Inter Reel Trailerify Triple Reel On Streamer iconOn Streamer Movieedia iconMovieedia Vidvis Core Cinema iconCore Cinema Video Caliber iconVideo Caliber Expert Trailers iconExpert Trailers Filmytics Theatre Hero iconTheatre Hero Cixion Cinefirma iconCinefirma Traileria iconTraileria Filmgy Cinemaite iconCinemaite Dramaum iconDramaum Dramaia iconDramaia Actionica Premier Flix Screensify iconScreensify Premier Reel iconPremier Reel. All of these names suggest that your movie site is modern and up-to-date with what's going on in the film industry today. You're providing users with the latest news and reviews on films as well as giving them an interactive experience with your site through chat rooms and streaming services.

As you can see from this long and detailed analysis there are several different themes in the list of names we've chosen for you. The first theme is Hollywood which implies a classic image associated with the film industry. The second theme is glamour which implies sophistication and opulence associated with movies. The third theme is technology which implies that your movie site will utilize technology to provide customers with superior services such as streaming services or film reviews. The fourth theme is action which implies an interactive experience for users such as chat rooms or watching trailers for upcoming films. Finally there's modernity which suggests that your movie site will stay up-to-date with what's happening in the film industry today by providing users with the latest news and reviews on films.

We hope this long and detailed analysis has been helpful in choosing a name for your new venture! Good

All 2000 Movie Site Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Hollywood Guys icon Hollywood Guys
Cinebility icon Cinebility
Video Volta icon Video Volta
Virtual Actress icon Virtual Actress
Hollywood Peak icon Hollywood Peak
Clever Movies icon Clever Movies
Click Trailers icon Click Trailers
Glam Film icon Glam Film
Savvy Movies icon Savvy Movies
Cinemaify icon Cinemaify
Click Trailer icon Click Trailer
Plrax icon Plrax
Instant Trailers icon Instant Trailers
Cirama icon Cirama
Trailer Engine icon Trailer Engine
Criteriono icon Criteriono
Hollywood Passion icon Hollywood Passion
Super Actress icon Super Actress
Filmtivity icon Filmtivity
On Streamer icon On Streamer
Movieedia icon Movieedia
Glam Movie icon Glam Movie
Hollywood Hound icon Hollywood Hound
Mighty Tube icon Mighty Tube
Hollywood Bear icon Hollywood Bear
Yummy Movie icon Yummy Movie
Core Cinema icon Core Cinema
Video Caliber icon Video Caliber
Expert Trailers icon Expert Trailers
Theatre Hero icon Theatre Hero
Cinefirma icon Cinefirma
Traileria icon Traileria
Cinemaite icon Cinemaite
Dramaum icon Dramaum
Dramaia icon Dramaia
Screensify icon Screensify
Premier Reel icon Premier Reel
Hollywood Age icon Hollywood Age
Morning Movie icon Morning Movie
Private Trailer icon Private Trailer
Studios America icon Studios America
Reel File icon Reel File
Actiontronic icon Actiontronic
Reelina icon Reelina
Dynamic Movie icon Dynamic Movie
Slot Movies icon Slot Movies
Dramaist icon Dramaist
Casteist icon Casteist
Cixora icon Cixora
Video Profiel icon Video Profiel
Last Flick icon Last Flick
Flixrio icon Flixrio