interior design app image

An interior design app can help make home decor accessible, fun, and hassle-free. But, like any other app, a great name is essential to attract users and make your app stand out in a crowded market. A name that reflects your app's style and function will make it easier for users to find and remember your brand. Let's explore the available .com domain name options and find the perfect name for your interior design app that will captivate users and set you apart from the competition.

At Domatron, we understand that finding the perfect name for your interior design app isn't easy. That's why we've combed through millions of available domain names to curate a list of over 50 of the best names for your app, each with a detailed analysis of why it's an excellent choice.

But that's not all. Our comprehensive database of thousands of interior design app name ideas is available to search using advanced keyword and concept searches. With our daily-updated domain availability filter, you can be sure that all the names you see are available for registration.

It's time to launch your interior design app with a name that will resonate with your target audience. Let's get started finding that perfect name!

Top Interior Design App Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Designer Partner icon
    Designer Partner Register A professional name that implies a partnership between a user and an expert designer. The name is straightforward and easy to remember, making it perfect for an app. The two words are complementary, with 'designer' suggesting expertise and 'partner' suggesting collaboration. The name will appeal to anyone looking for professional help with their interior design projects.
  • Sat Room icon
    Sat Room Register A simple and inviting name that speaks to the heart of an interior design app. "Sat" suggests relaxation, comfort, and ease, which is precisely what customers want when designing their living spaces. The name is also short, memorable, and easy to pronounce, making it perfect for a tech-savvy audience.
  • Houseize icon
    Houseize Register A catchy name that perfectly captures the essence of an interior design app. The word 'Houseize' suggests making your home feel bigger and better with modern interior design solutions. The word breakdown is simple, easy to remember, and has a playful feel that makes it stand out. It will appeal to anyone looking to transform their home into the ultimate living space.
  • Design Totally icon
    Design Totally Register Totally is a modern and stylish name that perfectly captures the essence of an interior design app. The name suggests a comprehensive approach to design, which will help users transform their spaces entirely. The word 'totally' is easy to remember and has a positive, upbeat vibe. The name's simplicity and clarity make it easy to associate with the app, while its modern sound will appeal to tech-savvy users.
  • Design Investing icon
    Design Investing Register A straightforward and practical name that conveys the app's purpose of helping users invest in their home's interior design. "Design Investing" is easy to remember, and the name breakdown clearly suggests the app's function. It also implies that investing in interior design can increase the value of your home, making it a smart investment. Additionally, the name makes it clear to users that this app is the best place to start investing in their home's aesthetic.
  • Modeize icon
    Modeize Register A modern name that perfectly captures the essence of an interior design app. The word 'mode' suggests a trendy, fashionable approach to design, while 'ize' implies a transformation or improvement. The name also has a unique and memorable sound that will stick in users' minds. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to anyone looking to beautify their living space with style and ease.
  • Starting Room icon
    Starting Room Register A clear and straightforward name that suggests an app that will help users design the perfect room. The name implies a starting point for the design process, giving users a sense of direction. "Starting Room" is easy to remember and has a friendly, welcoming feel that makes it approachable for anyone looking to redecorate.
  • Design Locator icon
    Design Locator Register A straightforward name that tells users exactly what they can expect from the app. "Locator" suggests that this app will help users find the best interior design options. The name is easy to remember and conveys a sense of professionalism, making it perfect for a tech-savvy audience. Additionally, the alliteration of "Design Locator" makes it catchy and memorable.
  • Houseist icon
    Houseist Register A simple yet memorable name that immediately communicates the purpose of the interior design app. "House" suggests a focus on home design, while "ist" implies expertise and specialization. The name also has a modern feel, making it perfect for a tech-savvy audience. Its uniqueness makes it easy to remember and will help it stand out among competitors.
  • Really Elegant icon
    Really Elegant Register A sophisticated name that suggests an app that will bring elegance to your interior design. The word "elegant" implies high-quality, refined taste, and attention to detail. The name is easy to remember, and the word "really" adds emphasis and excitement, making it stand out. "Really Elegant" can help the app stand out in the market and appeal to those looking for a polished and tasteful interior design experience.
  • Deziy icon
    Deziy Register A distinct name that perfectly captures the essence of an interior design app. The name 'Deziy' suggests a platform that's modern, trendy, and innovative. It's easy to remember, and the unique spelling adds a touch of creativity to the name. The name evokes a sense of confidence, suggesting that using the app will result in a beautiful and stylish home.
  • Space Mindset icon
    Space Mindset Register A visionary name that inspires a sense of creativity and innovation in interior design. The word 'space' suggests possibilities for expansion and growth, while 'mindset' evokes a particular way of thinking. The name is memorable and easy to pronounce, making it perfect for a tech-savvy audience. The combination of words also implies a focus on the mental aspect of interior design, making it unique in the industry.
  • Room Machine icon
    Room Machine Register A memorable name that evokes the idea of creating a room with ease. "Machine" implies the app will make designing the room effortless, while "Room" gives the app a clear purpose. The name is straightforward and easy to remember, making it perfect for an interior design app.
  • Deco Trax icon
    Deco Trax Register A creative name that perfectly captures the essence of an interior design app. "Deco" short for decoration, suggests creativity, design, and innovation, while "Trax" implies movement and progress. The name is memorable, easy to pronounce, and has a modern sound that will appeal to a tech-savvy audience. It's a name that will help your app stand out in a crowded market and convey a sense of forward-thinking and style.
  • Exotic Habitat icon
    Exotic Habitat Register An alluring name that evokes images of far-off places and exotic destinations. The name suggests that your app can help users create unique and stunning living spaces that transport them to new and exciting worlds. The combination of 'Exotic' and 'Habitat' creates a vivid contrast that makes the name memorable and distinctive. The name also implies a sense of adventure and discovery, which will appeal to users who are looking for something different and exciting.
  • Vanity Pad icon
    Vanity Pad Register A creative name that suggests a focus on personal style and aesthetics. "Vanity" suggests a sense of luxury and elegance, while "pad" implies a comfortable and private space. The name will appeal to anyone interested in interior design and creating a unique living space that reflects their personality. The name is short, memorable, and has a modern sound, making it perfect for a tech-focused app.
  • Express Spaces icon
    Express Spaces Register A modern name that perfectly captures the concept of interior design, while also conveying a sense of efficiency and speed. The name suggests that the app helps users create living spaces quickly and easily. The two-word structure of the name makes it easy to remember and gives it a sense of professionalism. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to anyone looking to improve their home's aesthetics without the hassle.
  • Interior Fund icon
    Interior Fund Register A professional name that communicates the purpose of the app. The name suggests a focus on helping users fund their interior design projects. The words 'interior' and 'fund' are direct and easy to understand, making the app's purpose clear to users. The simplicity and clarity of the name are its main strengths.
  • Start Interiors icon
    Start Interiors Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates the purpose of the app. The word 'Interiors' indicates that the app is focused on interior design, making it easy for your target audience to understand what your app offers. The name is easy to remember and has a professional sound, which will inspire trust in your users.
  • Design Coverage icon
    Design Coverage Register A straightforward name that conveys the idea of coverage in interior design. The name is clear and easy to remember, perfect for an app that provides design coverage to its users. The word 'design' is at the forefront, making it clear what kind of coverage is provided. The name is also versatile, making it suitable for any type of coverage related to interior design.
  • Joe Decor icon
    Joe Decor Register A straightforward name that evokes the idea of simplicity and ease of use. The word 'decor' suggests an app that'll help you design your home with ease. The name is simple to remember, easy to spell, and will appeal to anyone who wants to decorate their home without the hassle of hiring an interior designer.
  • Spaceina icon
    Spaceina Register A sleek and modern name that suggests a space-saving interior design app. "Ina" gives the name a feminine touch, making it appealing to a female audience. The name is short and easy to remember, making it ideal for a tech-savvy audience who want to streamline their home decor.
  • Pretty Lot icon
    Pretty Lot Register A delightful name that suggests beauty, elegance, and charm. The word 'pretty' is simple yet effective, while 'lot' implies a collection of beautiful things. The name has a memorable sound, making it easy to remember and recommend to others. The uniqueness of the name will make it stand out, giving your app a sense of personality and style.
  • Clear Habitat icon
    Clear Habitat Register A sleek and minimalist name that conveys the idea of a clear and organized living space. The word 'habitat' suggests a place of comfort and relaxation, while 'clear' connotes a sense of order. The name is simple and easy to remember, making it perfect for an interior design app. The juxtaposition of the two words creates a memorable name that will appeal to anyone looking to simplify their living space.
  • Decorinex icon
    Decorinex Register A sophisticated name that suggests a high-end interior design app. The word 'decor' implies the app will help users create beautiful, stylish spaces, while 'inex' adds a touch of modernity. The name is easy to remember and stands out from other interior design apps.
  • Monster Decor icon
    Monster Decor Register A bold name that suggests a large, impactful design. The word 'monster' implies power and strength, while 'decor' conveys the idea of decorating. The word structure is straightforward, making it easy to remember. The name will appeal to people who want to make a big statement with their interior design choices. It also has a hint of playfulness that could resonate with younger demographics.
  • Modlogy icon
    Modlogy Register An innovative and modern name that suggests a tech-savvy approach to interior design. "Mod" conveys the idea of modernity, while "logy" implies a scientific approach to the field. The name is short and memorable, making it perfect for an app. The distinctiveness of the name will make it easy to find and remember, which is essential for a successful app in a crowded market.
  • Broader Design icon
    Broader Design Register A simple name that suggests a focus on broader design principles. The name implies a comprehensive approach to interior design that considers the bigger picture. The two-word structure makes it easy to remember, while the word 'broader' conveys a sense of expertise and knowledge. The name also has a professional feel that will appeal to anyone looking for a top-notch interior design app.
  • Styletel icon
    Styletel Register A sleek name that conveys the style and elegance of an interior design app. The word 'Style' suggests creativity and flair, while 'tel' has a futuristic sound, implying a modern and cutting-edge platform. The name is easy to remember and will appeal to anyone looking to decorate their home with style and sophistication.
  • Deco Sex icon
    Deco Sex Register A bold name that evokes the glamour and intrigue of art deco design. The name suggests a stylish and sophisticated interior design app that will help you achieve a sexy and glamorous aesthetic. The word "Deco" is short for Art Deco, a design style that emphasizes luxury, while "Sex" is a playful nod to the sensual appeal of good design. The name is memorable, catchy, and will pique the interest of anyone looking for an exciting and unique interior design experience.
  • Space Belle icon
    Space Belle Register A creative name that suggests sophistication and elegance. The word 'space' implies a focus on interior design, while 'belle' connects to beauty and femininity. The name is easy to remember and has a unique sound, making it stand out from other interior design apps. It's perfect for anyone who wants to create a beautiful and stylish living space.
  • Design Sentinel icon
    Design Sentinel Register Sentinel Design is a name that suggests protection, guidance, and watchfulness. The word "Sentinel" implies safety and security, which is perfect for an interior design app. The name has a professional sound, and the word "Design" immediately makes it clear what the app is about. The name's simplicity and clarity make it easy to remember and will help it stand out in a crowded market.
  • Eight Floors icon
    Eight Floors Register A minimalist name that evokes a sense of modernity and sophistication. The words 'Eight Floors' imply a building with many levels and endless interior design possibilities. The name is easy to remember, and the simple structure of the words makes it easy to spell and type. It's a name that will appeal to those who appreciate clean, elegant design.
  • Grid Chic icon
    Grid Chic Register A trendy name that conveys a sense of modernity and style for an interior design app. The name suggests a focus on organization and structure, which is perfect for any app that helps people design their living spaces. The alliteration of "Grid Chic" makes it memorable and fun to say, while the word "chic" adds a touch of elegance. It's unique and will appeal to anyone looking for an app that combines functionality and style.
  • Modnami icon
    Modnami Register Modnami is a catchy name for an interior design app that conveys a sense of modernity and innovation. The name's unique spelling gives it a distinctive quality that makes it stand out from other design apps. The word "mod" suggests modern design, while "nami" sounds like "nomi," a Japanese word meaning "to drink." This unexpected association adds a fun element to the name and makes it more memorable. Overall, the name Modnami is an excellent choice for an app that aims to bring a fresh perspective to interior design.

When it comes to naming an interior design app, it's important to choose a name that conveys sophistication and style. Here are some common themes and ideas for names that might be suitable for an interior design app.

One theme is to use words that suggest partnership and collaboration, such as Designer Partner iconDesigner Partner, Design Investing iconDesign Investing, Start Interiors iconStart Interiors, and Design Coverage iconDesign Coverage. These names suggest that the app is a tool for both designers and homeowners to work together to create beautiful spaces.

Another theme is using words that suggest elegance and luxury, such as Really Elegant iconReally Elegant, Vanity Pad iconVanity Pad, Deluxe Spaces, and Clear Habitat iconClear Habitat. These names imply that the app is for people who appreciate the finer things in life and want to create spaces that reflect their discerning taste.

A third theme is to use words that suggest creativity and imagination, such as Modnami iconModnami, Design Totally iconDesign Totally, and Interior Forge. These names suggest that the app is a tool for unleashing creativity and designing spaces that are unique and personalized.

Another idea is to use words that evoke a sense of place and belonging, such as Habitatia, Dwellly, Houseize iconHouseize, and Nestario. These names suggest that the app is a tool for creating spaces that feel like home and reflect the personality and style of the people who live there.

You could also use words that suggest efficiency and optimization, such as Space Machine, Modifyly, and Design Razor. These names suggest that the app is a tool for streamlining the design process and making it easy for people to create beautiful spaces quickly and efficiently.

Finally, you could use words that suggest community and sharing, such as Community Decor, Decoreus, and Living Folio. These names imply that the app is a tool for connecting people with a shared interest in interior design and creating a space where they can exchange ideas and inspiration.

Ultimately, the name you choose for your interior design app should reflect the values and mission of your brand. Use Domatron's name search below to generate more ideas and find the perfect name for your interior design app.

All 2000 Interior Design App Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Designer Partner icon Designer Partner
Sat Room icon Sat Room
Houseize icon Houseize
Design Totally icon Design Totally
Design Investing icon Design Investing
Modeize icon Modeize
Starting Room icon Starting Room
Design Locator icon Design Locator
Houseist icon Houseist
Really Elegant icon Really Elegant
Deziy icon Deziy
Space Mindset icon Space Mindset
Room Machine icon Room Machine
Deco Trax icon Deco Trax
Exotic Habitat icon Exotic Habitat
Vanity Pad icon Vanity Pad
Express Spaces icon Express Spaces
Interior Fund icon Interior Fund
Start Interiors icon Start Interiors
Design Coverage icon Design Coverage
Joe Decor icon Joe Decor
Spaceina icon Spaceina
Pretty Lot icon Pretty Lot
Clear Habitat icon Clear Habitat
Decorinex icon Decorinex
Monster Decor icon Monster Decor
Modlogy icon Modlogy
Broader Design icon Broader Design
Styletel icon Styletel
Deco Sex icon Deco Sex
Space Belle icon Space Belle
Design Sentinel icon Design Sentinel
Eight Floors icon Eight Floors
Grid Chic icon Grid Chic
Modnami icon Modnami
Chic Builder icon Chic Builder
Window Pad icon Window Pad
Archizee icon Archizee
Modern Let icon Modern Let
Layout Wise icon Layout Wise
Room Row icon Room Row
Interior Med icon Interior Med
Decoyn icon Decoyn
Decoify icon Decoify
Dynamic Habitat icon Dynamic Habitat
Home Perfectly icon Home Perfectly
Schemesa icon Schemesa
Mini Layout icon Mini Layout
Soft Layout icon Soft Layout
Deziva icon Deziva
Finest Spaces icon Finest Spaces
Planctia icon Planctia