hip hop group image

Choosing the perfect name for your hip hop group is an essential step towards building your identity and creating a lasting impression. A great name can define your style, attitude, and message, and help you stand out in a crowded and competitive market. Let's work together to find a name that captures the energy, passion, and creativity of your hip hop group and sets you apart from the rest.

At Domatron, we understand that finding a great name with an available .com domain can be a challenge. That's why we've curated a list of over 50 of the best names for your hip hop group, each accompanied by an analysis of why it's an excellent choice.

But if you're looking for something more specific, we have an extensive database of thousands of hip hop-inspired names that you can search through using our advanced AI-powered search. With our domain availability filter, you can be sure that any name you select is available for registration.

It's time to take your hip hop group to the next level with a name that reflects your style and speaks to your fanbase. Let's get started!

Top Hip Hop Group Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Shout It Up icon
    Shout It Up Register
    ShoutItUp.com: An energetic name that perfectly suits a hip hop group. It suggests that your group will be dynamic, lively, and full of personality. The word 'shout' implies a strong and confident delivery, while 'up' conveys the idea of rising to the top. The name is easy to remember and will stand out in people's minds.
  • Razzle Up icon
    Razzle Up Register
    RazzleUp.com: A name that immediately pops with energy and excitement, perfect for a hip hop group who wants to stand out. "Razzle" suggests a vibrant and fast-paced performance style, while "up" implies an uplifting and positive message. The word breakdown is simple and easy to remember, which will make it stick in the audience's mind.
  • Uptown Song icon
    Uptown Song Register
    UptownSong.com: An energetic name that suggests a hip-hop group with a modern, upbeat sound. "Uptown" implies a sense of glamour and sophistication, while "Song" is a nod to the group's music. The name is easy to remember and has a positive, catchy vibe that will appeal to fans of the genre. The word "Up" in the name can also connote to progress and success, making it a perfect name for a rising group.
  • Hip Hop Guys icon
    Hip Hop Guys Register
    HipHopGuys.com: A catchy name that immediately connects to the world of hip hop. It suggests a group of guys who are skilled and passionate about their craft. The name is easy to remember and has a fun, upbeat feel. It also has a gender-specific sound, which may attract a specific audience. Overall, a name that's perfect for a hip hop group looking to make a name for themselves in the industry.
  • Rattlea icon
    Rattlea Register
    Rattlea.com: A bold and striking name that evokes energy and rhythm, perfect for a hip hop group. The word "rattle" suggests a shaking movement and the sound of percussion, which is what a hip hop group is all about. The unique structure of the name, with the double "t" and "l," makes it memorable and distinguishable. Overall, Rattlea is a name that will capture the attention of your audience and set you apart from other hip hop groups.
  • Hip Junkie icon
    Hip Junkie Register
    HipJunkie.com: A bold name that suggests a group that's passionate about hip hop music and culture. The word 'junkie' implies an insatiable passion and knowledge of hip hop, which will appeal to fans. The word 'hip' is a nod to the genre itself, making it easy to remember and catchy. Together, the two words create a name that's edgy, memorable, and perfect for a hip hop group looking to stand out.
  • Freestyle Track icon
    Freestyle Track Register
    FreestyleTrack.com: A cool name that suggests a group that's free to express themselves creatively. "Freestyle" implies that the group has the freedom to create music in their own way, without any boundaries. "Track" suggests a path or direction, making it a great name for a hip hop group. The name is easy to remember and has a modern sound, making it perfect for a young and energetic audience.
  • Angry Beat icon
    Angry Beat Register
    AngryBeat.com: An edgy and powerful name that conveys a strong sense of passion and energy. "Angry" suggests that your music is full of raw emotion, while "Beat" implies that the rhythm and groove are essential. The name is easy to remember and has a rebellious feel that will appeal to those who love hip hop.
  • Hip Hop Hop icon
    Hip Hop Hop Register
    HipHopHop.com: A fun name that immediately conveys the energy and rhythm of hip hop music. The repetition of "hop" creates a playful and memorable sound that's easy to remember. It's a name that will appeal to anyone who loves hip hop and wants to join a group that's all about positivity and good vibes.
  • Rapful icon
    Rapful Register
    Rapful.com: Rapful is a creative name that suggests a group that's full of energy and passion. The word 'ful' at the end of the name conveys a sense of abundance and completeness, which is perfect for a hip hop group that aims to create music that's full of life and energy. The name is short and easy to remember, which is great for marketing purposes. Overall, Rapful is a name that will help your group stand out in a highly competitive industry.
  • Hip Hop Bros icon
    Hip Hop Bros Register
    HipHopBros.com: A catchy name that immediately conveys a sense of brotherhood and connection. "Hip Hop" implies music, rhythm, and energy, while "Bros" reinforces the idea of a tight-knit group. The name is simple, straightforward, and easy to remember, making it perfect for a hip hop group. Additionally, the name might attract a younger audience, as it sounds fresh and relatable.
  • Z Rapper icon
    Z Rapper Register
    ZRapper.com: A bold name that suggests a confident and skilled rapper. The letter 'Z' in the name gives it a modern and edgy feel, which is perfect for a hip hop group. The name's simplicity and brevity make it easy to remember, and its uniqueness will help the group stand out in a crowded industry.
  • Ever Rap icon
    Ever Rap Register
    EverRap.com: A catchy name that captures the essence of hip hop. "Ever Rap" could suggest a group that's always rapping, or that they'll continue to rap forever. The name is memorable and easy to say, making it perfect for fans to chant at concerts.
  • Uptown Pop icon
    Uptown Pop Register
    UptownPop.com: An upbeat and catchy name that perfectly encapsulates the energy of a hip hop group. The word "pop" implies a mainstream appeal, while "uptown" suggests a sophisticated, urban vibe. The name's brevity makes it easy to remember and perfect for social media handles. It's a name that'll make your group stand out and appeal to a wide audience.
  • Hip Hop Friends icon
    Hip Hop Friends Register
    HipHopFriends.com: A friendly name that suggests a welcoming and sociable hip hop group. The use of 'friends' in the name implies a sense of community and camaraderie, which will make the group relatable to its fans. The name is easy to remember and can help to create a loyal fanbase.
  • Streettastic icon
    Streettastic Register
    Streettastic.com: A catchy name that will resonate with fans of hip-hop. The word "Streettastic" suggests a group that's in touch with the urban environment and is ready to bring the party to the streets. The name breakdown is simple, making it easy to remember, which is perfect for a music group. It's a name that's perfect for young and energetic performers who want to make a name for themselves in the world of hip-hop.
  • City Dope icon
    City Dope Register
    CityDope.com: A bold name that conveys the vibe of a hip hop group. The word "dope" suggests a high level of skill and creativity, which is perfect for a group that wants to make a name for themselves in the hip hop industry. "City" points to the urban and streetwise nature of the group. The name is perfect for anyone who loves hip hop music and wants to be part of the culture.
  • Hip Makers icon
    Hip Makers Register
    HipMakers.com: A cool name that immediately connects to the world of hip hop. The word 'makers' suggests creativity and originality, which is the perfect way to describe a hip hop group. The word 'hip' makes the name trendy and relevant, while the word 'makers' adds a touch of authenticity. Together, they make it a memorable name that will appeal to anyone who loves hip hop.
  • Rapper Star icon
    Rapper Star Register
    RapperStar.com: A bold name that signifies the group's ambition and talent. "Star" suggests the group is destined for greatness, and its simplicity makes it easy to remember. The name's simplicity also means that people can quickly find them on search engines. Overall, the name captures the essence of the group and will help them stand out in the crowded world of hip hop.
  • Dope Machines icon
    Dope Machines Register
    DopeMachines.com: A bold name that suggests an edgy and innovative hip-hop group. Dope implies something that is above average and excellent, while "Machines" evokes a sense of power and precision. The contrast between "dope" and "machines" creates a unique and memorable name. It'll appeal to hip-hop fans looking for something fresh and exciting.
  • Rap Speak icon
    Rap Speak Register
    RapSpeak.com: A distinct name that clearly communicates the genre and style of your hip hop group. "Rap Speak" is self-explanatory, making it easy for potential fans to remember. It has a strong and memorable sound that will make it stand out in a crowded industry. The name's simplicity and clarity will help your group to reach a wider audience, while the name's brevity ensures that it can be easily recognized and remembered.
  • Urban Singer icon
    Urban Singer Register
    UrbanSinger.com: A modern and catchy name that immediately evokes the world of hip hop. The word 'urban' suggests a connection to the city, while 'singer' implies a focus on vocals, giving the name a unique twist. The name will appeal to anyone who loves hip hop, and the unique combination of words makes it highly memorable.
  • Street Drums icon
    Street Drums Register
    StreetDrums.com: A dynamic name that suggests an energetic and rhythmic hip hop group. "Street" conveys the urban and gritty feel of hip hop, while "Drums" suggests the importance of percussion in the genre. The name is easy to remember and rolls off the tongue, making it perfect for a group that wants to be memorable.
  • Rogue People icon
    Rogue People Register
    RoguePeople.com: A rebellious name that captures the spirit of hip-hop. 'Rogue' suggests a group that is forging its own path and breaking the rules, which is a core component of the hip-hop genre. The name is easy to remember and has a strong visual impact. The word 'people' gives the sense of a community of fans and followers. The name is unique and stands out in a crowded music scene.
  • Street Groups icon
    Street Groups Register
    StreetGroups.com: A straightforward name that suggests a hip hop group that's all about the streets. The name is easy to remember and has a clear connection to the genre. The word "groups" makes it inclusive, implying that the group is open to collaboration.
  • Hipster Team icon
    Hipster Team Register
    HipsterTeam.com: An edgy name that conveys the energy, excitement, and style of a hip hop group. "Hipster" gives the impression of someone who's ahead of the curve, unique, and trendy. The name also has a nice ring to it, making it fun to say and easy to remember.
  • Inter Rap icon
    Inter Rap Register
    InterRap.com: A catchy name that's perfect for a hip hop group. "Inter" could refer to the intersection of different genres and styles, while "Rap" is a straightforward nod to the group's genre. The name will resonate with fans of hip hop and suggests a group that's unafraid to experiment with their sound. The unique combination of two short words makes it easy to remember, and the name's brevity is perfect for branding and marketing.
  • Hip Remix icon
    Hip Remix Register
    HipRemix.com: A trendy name that's perfect for a hip hop group. It suggests that your group will create fresh, new versions of classic hip hop songs and beats. The word 'remix' implies that your group is creative and innovative. The word 'hip' is a nod to the hip hop genre, and 'hip' also means "trendy" in modern slang. The name is catchy and easy to remember, making it perfect for a musical group.
  • Rap Worthy icon
    Rap Worthy Register
    RapWorthy.com: A catchy name that immediately connects to hip hop. The name suggests that anything produced by the hip hop group is of high quality and worth listening to. The word 'worthy' provides a sense of credibility and trustworthiness, which will make people more willing to give the group a listen. The name is easy to remember and has a positive, upbeat feeling.
  • Hipsters Club icon
    Hipsters Club Register
    HipstersClub.com: A cool and trendy name that suggests a hip hop group that is on the cutting edge of music. The name "Hipsters Club" speaks to a sense of community and exclusivity, implying that being part of the group is something special. The word "club" further emphasizes that sense of community, while the inclusion of the word "hipsters" makes it clear that this group is all about setting trends and being at the forefront of a movement.
  • Freestyle Style icon
    Freestyle Style Register
    FreestyleStyle.com: A dynamic name that perfectly captures the essence of hip hop's freestyle component. It's easy to remember and has a cool vibe that'll appeal to fans of the genre. "Freestyle" is the primary word, with "Style" as a secondary word. This word combination gives it a sense of creativity and originality. Overall, this name will give the group a memorable and distinctive brand.
  • Rebelies icon
    Rebelies Register
    Rebelies.com: Rebelies is a bold name that evokes a sense of rebellion, independence, and a desire to challenge the status quo. The word "rebel" is an edgy and powerful word, while "lies" suggests a desire to expose the truth. The combination of these two words creates a name that's both memorable and unique. The name's play on words will help the group stand out and appeal to a wide range of hip hop fans.
  • Beat It Down icon
    Beat It Down Register
    BeatItDown.com: A bold name that suggests a group with an unapologetic attitude. It implies the group will be pumping up the volume, getting their fans to dance and let loose. The words "beat it down" indicate a powerful sound, while the structure of the name makes it easy to remember. It'll appeal to anyone who loves upbeat, energetic music.
  • Pop Gurus icon
    Pop Gurus Register
    PopGurus.com: An attention-grabbing name that evokes images of expertise and success in the hip hop world. "Gurus" suggests that the members of this group are authorities and masters in their craft, while "Pop" suggests a wide appeal that transcends traditional hip hop audiences. The name is short, memorable, and easy to pronounce, which will help with branding and recognition. Overall, the name is perfect for a hip hop group looking to make their mark in the industry.
  • Street Remix icon
    Street Remix Register
    StreetRemix.com: A dynamic name that suggests a merging of different beats and rhythms. "Remix" implies a fresh take on existing music, which fits perfectly with a hip-hop group. The word 'street' adds an edgy urban feel to the name. The name is easy to remember, which is important in the music industry. It's a name that will appeal to fans of hip-hop who want to experience something unique and exciting.
  • Street Daze icon
    Street Daze Register
    StreetDaze.com: A catchy and memorable name that suggests a group that's all about the hip-hop culture and street life. "Daze" implies a sense of disorientation or confusion - something that could be interpreted as the group's unique twist or style. The name will appeal to anyone who loves hip-hop music and culture, with a touch of individuality.
  • Bad Right icon
    Bad Right Register
    BadRight.com: A bold name that immediately grabs attention and conveys a sense of confidence and authenticity. "Bad Right" implies the group is going to take the right path, even if it's not the easiest one. The name is short, memorable, and easy to pronounce, which will work well for the hip hop genre. Moreover, it has a unique sound to it, which will make it stand out in the industry.
  • Rap Schools icon
    Rap Schools Register
    RapSchools.com: An edgy and straightforward name that immediately conveys the idea of a school for aspiring rappers. The use of 'Rap' in the name is clear and straightforward, making it easy to remember, spell, and say. The word 'Schools' implies that there will be a structured and educational approach to learning, which is perfect for anyone looking to develop their rap skills. The simplicity of the name makes it easy to brand and market, which is a significant advantage.
  • What Beats icon
    What Beats Register
    WhatBeats.com: A catchy name that evokes the energy and rhythm of hip hop. "Beats" ties to the music, while "What" implies a sense of curiosity and wonder. The name will appeal to anyone who loves hip hop and wants to discover something new and exciting.
  • Riot One icon
    Riot One Register
    RiotOne.com: A bold name that catches attention and suggests an exciting and energetic hip-hop group. The word "Riot" adds an edgy and rebellious feeling, while "One" suggests unity and togetherness. The name has a strong rhythm and is easy to remember, making it perfect for a hip-hop group that wants to stand out.

When it comes to naming a hip hop group, it's important to choose a name that reflects the energy and attitude of the group's music. There are a few different themes that commonly appear in hip hop group names, such as references to music and sound, descriptive words that evoke a sense of power, and names that reference specific places or groups of people.

One theme that appears in many hip hop group names is a reference to music and sound. Names like Rattlea iconRattlea, Popings, Hip Junkie iconHip Junkie, and Street Drums iconStreet Drums all evoke the sense of a group that is deeply involved in the creation and production of music. These names suggest that the group is focused on creating sounds that are unique and innovative.

Another common theme is the use of descriptive words that evoke a sense of power and energy. Names like Angry Beat iconAngry Beat, Hip Hop Hop iconHip Hop Hop, Beat It Down iconBeat It Down, and Bad Right iconBad Right all suggest a group that is bold, assertive, and unafraid to take risks. These names convey the sense that the group's music is powerful and impactful.

Some hip hop groups choose names that reference specific places or groups of people. Names like Uptown Song iconUptown Song, Rebel Jazz, and Hipsters Club iconHipsters Club all suggest a connection to a specific location or community. These names can help attract a specific audience and create a sense of belonging among fans.

Many hip hop groups choose names that reference the group's members or the dynamic between them. Names like Hip Hop Bros iconHip Hop Bros, Dancing Men, and Rogue People iconRogue People all suggest a group that is closely connected and working together as a team. These names can be an excellent way to create a sense of unity and camaraderie among group members.

There are also unique names that don't fit into any particular category, such as Whamr, Freestyle Style iconFreestyle Style, and Riot One iconRiot One. These names are memorable and eye-catching, but it's important to consider whether they align with the group's brand and message.

Ultimately, the name you choose for your hip hop group should reflect the style and attitude of your music. It should be memorable, eye-catching, and easy for fans to remember. Use Domatron's name search below to explore the themes and ideas that resonate with your group.

All 2000 Hip Hop Group Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Shout It Up icon Shout It Up
Razzle Up icon Razzle Up
Uptown Song icon Uptown Song
Hip Hop Guys icon Hip Hop Guys
Rattlea icon Rattlea
Hip Junkie icon Hip Junkie
Freestyle Track icon Freestyle Track
Angry Beat icon Angry Beat
Hip Hop Hop icon Hip Hop Hop
Rapful icon Rapful
Hip Hop Bros icon Hip Hop Bros
Z Rapper icon Z Rapper
Ever Rap icon Ever Rap
Uptown Pop icon Uptown Pop
Hip Hop Friends icon Hip Hop Friends
Streettastic icon Streettastic
City Dope icon City Dope
Hip Makers icon Hip Makers
Rapper Star icon Rapper Star
Dope Machines icon Dope Machines
Rap Speak icon Rap Speak
Urban Singer icon Urban Singer
Street Drums icon Street Drums
Rogue People icon Rogue People
Street Groups icon Street Groups
Hipster Team icon Hipster Team
Inter Rap icon Inter Rap
Hip Remix icon Hip Remix
Rap Worthy icon Rap Worthy
Hipsters Club icon Hipsters Club
Freestyle Style icon Freestyle Style
Rebelies icon Rebelies
Beat It Down icon Beat It Down
Pop Gurus icon Pop Gurus
Street Remix icon Street Remix
Street Daze icon Street Daze
Bad Right icon Bad Right
Rap Schools icon Rap Schools
What Beats icon What Beats
Riot One icon Riot One
Bangpy icon Bangpy
Rappers Online icon Rappers Online
Street Maniac icon Street Maniac
Hipsster icon Hipsster
Rap Hunter icon Rap Hunter
Urban Evil icon Urban Evil
Beat Artists icon Beat Artists
Urban Devils icon Urban Devils
Rapless icon Rapless
Yigler icon Yigler
Trapies icon Trapies
Shout Again icon Shout Again