handmade jewelry business image

Starting a handmade jewelry business means crafting unique and beautiful pieces that reflect your creativity and style. The name you choose for your jewelry business is the first impression you'll make on your customers, and it should reflect the quality, elegance, and craftsmanship of your jewelry line. Let's work together to find a name that captures the essence of your handmade jewelry business and speaks to the hearts of your customers.

Finding the perfect name for your handmade jewelry business can be daunting, especially when you want to find something with an available .com domain name. That's where Domatron comes in to help. We've handpicked over 50 of the best handmade jewelry business names, each accompanied by a detailed analysis of why it's an excellent choice. And if you need more suggestions, our extensive database of thousands of name ideas is at your disposal.

Our database is easily searchable using advanced keyword and concept searches. We filter out taken domains daily, so you can be sure that every name you consider is available for registration.

It's time to make a statement with a memorable name for your handmade jewelry business. Let's start the creative process!

Top Handmade Jewelry Business Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Bronze Rings icon
    Bronze Rings Register
    BronzeRings.com: A simple and elegant name that immediately conveys the idea of a handcrafted jewelry business. The word 'bronze' suggests quality and durability, and the word 'rings' implies a focus on rings. The name is easy to remember, and the two words together create a pleasant alliteration. It's a name that will appeal to anyone looking for unique and timeless pieces of jewelry.
  • American Jeweller icon
    American Jeweller Register
    AmericanJeweller.com: A straightforward name that conveys the business's identity and specialization. The name suggests that the business creates handmade jewelry of American origin, which will appeal to customers who value locally-made products. The name is easy to remember and has a patriotic feel that will resonate with American customers.
  • Made And Made icon
    Made And Made Register
    MadeAndMade.com: A simple yet effective name that emphasizes the handmade aspect of the jewelry. The repetition of the word 'made' reinforces the idea of craftsmanship and quality. This name is easy to remember and has a straightforward, no-nonsense feel that will appeal to customers who appreciate authenticity and originality.
  • Forbidden Jewelry icon
    Forbidden Jewelry Register
    ForbiddenJewelry.com: A captivating name that suggests a sense of mystery and intrigue, making it perfect for a handmade jewelry business. The name implies that the jewelry is unique and exclusive, and that there's a story behind each piece. The word "forbidden" adds an air of exclusivity and allure to the brand, making it more appealing to customers who want something different.
  • Handmade Gourmets icon
    Handmade Gourmets Register
    HandmadeGourmets.com: A unique and memorable name that conveys the idea of handmade and gourmet jewelry. The word 'handmade' suggests that each piece of jewelry is crafted with care and attention to detail, while 'gourmet' implies that the jewelry is of the highest quality and is meant to be savored. The word breakdown is easy to understand and remember, making it easy for customers to find you. Additionally, the name has a luxurious sound to it, which will appeal to customers looking for high-end jewelry.
  • Ez Jewelers icon
    Ez Jewelers Register
    EzJewelers.com: A straightforward name that conveys the simplicity and elegance of handmade jewelry. The name is easy to remember and has a welcoming sound, suggesting a business that's approachable and trustworthy. The use of the letter 'Z' adds a modern and trendy touch and makes the name stand out.
  • Gourmet Crafts icon
    Gourmet Crafts Register
    GourmetCrafts.com: A sophisticated name that suggests handcrafted jewelry with exceptional quality and attention to detail. The word 'crafts' represents the handcrafted aspect of the business, while 'gourmet' implies a level of luxury and exclusivity. The two words together create a unique and memorable name that will appeal to those who appreciate artisanal jewelry.
  • Velvet Rings icon
    Velvet Rings Register
    VelvetRings.com: A luxurious name that evokes the smoothness and elegance of velvet. It suggests a high-end, sophisticated jewelry business. The word 'rings' conveys the idea of circularity and completeness, which is perfect for a jewelry business. The two words together make a memorable juxtaposition and make this name unique. Customers will remember the name and be drawn to the high-quality products and services it represents.
  • Jewelry Folio icon
    Jewelry Folio Register
    JewelryFolio.com: Jewelry Folio is a sophisticated name that conveys a sense of elegance and refinement, perfect for a handmade jewelry business. The word 'folio' suggests a collection of beautiful objects, which highlights the craftsmanship and care that goes into each piece. The name is easy to remember and has a touch of exclusivity that will appeal to those who want unique, high-quality jewelry.
  • Gift Beads icon
    Gift Beads Register
    GiftBeads.com: A charming name that suggests the idea of handmade, one-of-a-kind jewelry that makes the perfect gift. The name is easy to remember and has a playful feel that will appeal to anyone who loves unique and beautiful jewelry. The word 'beads' implies a focus on the intricate details that make each piece special.
  • Bead Expert icon
    Bead Expert Register
    BeadExpert.com: A descriptive name that instantly communicates your expertise in the craft of handmade jewelry. By using the term "Bead Expert," you're positioning yourself as an authority on the subject, someone who can be trusted to create unique and beautiful pieces. The name is straightforward and easy to remember, which is perfect for a small business. Plus, the name has an approachable sound and feel, which will help customers feel more comfortable working with you.
  • Cotton Jewellery icon
    Cotton Jewellery Register
    CottonJewellery.com: A simple yet elegant name that conveys the beautiful simplicity of handmade jewelry. The word 'cotton' brings to mind natural fibers, softness, and comfort - all great qualities for jewelry. The word 'jewelry' in the name makes it clear what the business is about.
  • Aussie Jewelry icon
    Aussie Jewelry Register
    AussieJewelry.com: A memorable name that immediately suggests a jewelry business based in Australia. "Aussie" is a common nickname for Australians that conveys a sense of friendliness and approachability. The name is simple and easy to remember, making it perfect for word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Silk Beads icon
    Silk Beads Register
    SilkBeads.com: A delicate name that evokes the beauty and elegance of handmade jewelry. The name suggests that the jewelry is made from the finest materials, and with great care and attention to detail. The word 'silk' gives it a luxurious feel, while 'beads' adds a touch of playfulness. The name is easy to remember and has a lovely sound that will appeal to anyone looking for unique and beautiful jewelry.
  • Jewelry Prints icon
    Jewelry Prints Register
    JewelryPrints.com: A creative name that suggests a jewelry business with unique and eye-catching designs. The word 'prints' creates a visual image of intricate patterns and detail, which is perfect for handcrafted jewelry. The name will appeal to anyone who loves unique and handmade accessories.
  • Green Pendant icon
    Green Pendant Register
    GreenPendant.com: A nature-inspired name that evokes images of fresh, vibrant colors and natural beauty. It suggests a handmade jewelry business that values sustainability and eco-friendliness. The word "pendant" adds a touch of elegance and sophistication. The name is easy to remember, has a modern feel, and will appeal to anyone who loves handmade jewelry and cares about the environment.
  • Something And More icon
    Something And More Register
    SomethingAndMore.com: A versatile name that suggests a business that offers not only handmade jewelry, but also a wide range of additional products or services. The name is easy to remember and has a sense of inclusivity, suggesting that customers will find everything they need and more at this business. The word "more" is vague, which makes it flexible and adaptable to any future business growth or changes. This name is perfect for a business that wants to be known for more than just one specific product or service.
  • Bronze Gems icon
    Bronze Gems Register
    BronzeGems.com: A sophisticated name that conveys the idea of jewelry that's both precious and beautiful. The word "bronze" suggests an artisanal quality and the word "gems" implies high-quality stones. The name is easy to remember and has a luxurious feel. Its simplicity makes it easy to create a logo, which is ideal for a jewelry business.
  • Keep Your Hand icon
    Keep Your Hand Register
    KeepYourHand.com: A name that immediately captures attention and curiosity. The phrase "Keep Your Hand" suggests something precious and valuable that you don't want to lose, which is perfect for a handmade jewelry business. The name is memorable and easy to remember, and the word "keep" also has a positive connotation of holding onto something valuable. Overall, this name is perfect for a jewelry brand that wants to emphasize the importance of handmade craftsmanship and the preciousness of its products.
  • Handmade Energy icon
    Handmade Energy Register
    HandmadeEnergy.com: A unique and charming name that suggests jewelry made with care and creativity. The word 'energy' evokes a sense of vitality and passion, making it perfect for a handmade jewelry business. The breakdown of the name "Handmade Energy" suggests that the products are crafted by hand, giving them an extra level of authenticity and uniqueness. The name will appeal to anyone looking for jewelry that's not only beautiful but also has a personal touch.
  • Wood Diamonds icon
    Wood Diamonds Register
    WoodDiamonds.com: A rustic name that evokes the natural beauty of wood and the luxury of diamonds. The name suggests a business that creates unique and high-quality handmade jewelry from wood, which makes it stand out from other jewelry makers. The contrast between the two materials also makes it memorable and distinctive.
  • Jewel Signs icon
    Jewel Signs Register
    JewelSigns.com: A memorable name that suggests quality and attention to detail. The word 'jewel' implies that the products are precious and valuable, while 'signs' suggests a unique and personal touch. The two words also have a nice rhythm to them, making the name easy to say and remember. Overall, Jewel Signs is a name that promises high-quality handmade jewelry with a personal touch.
  • Garlic Jewelry icon
    Garlic Jewelry Register
    GarlicJewelry.com: An intriguing name that's sure to grab attention. The word 'garlic' is unexpected for a jewelry business, but it suggests a unique and bold style. The name is easy to remember and has a playful sound that will appeal to those who appreciate handmade, unconventional jewelry.
  • Chocolate Beads icon
    Chocolate Beads Register
    ChocolateBeads.com: A creative and memorable name that instantly conveys the idea of handmade jewelry. The name suggests a unique and eye-catching design made out of chocolate. The word "beads" implies the product's small and intricate details. The name's unique use of "Chocolate" for jewelry will help the business stand out from other jewelry businesses.
  • Handmade Made icon
    Handmade Made Register
    HandmadeMade.com: A charming name that emphasizes the uniqueness and creativity of handmade jewelry. The name suggests that each piece of jewelry is individually made and one-of-a-kind. The repetition of the word "made" adds a playful and memorable touch. "Handmade" also implies quality and care, which will appeal to customers looking for unique and special pieces.
  • Oriental Diamonds icon
    Oriental Diamonds Register
    OrientalDiamonds.com: An exotic name that suggests intricate and dazzling jewelry from the Orient. The word 'diamonds' implies luxury and quality. The combination of the two words evokes images of beautiful and unique pieces that will make you stand out. The two-word structure makes it easy to remember and suitable for a brand that wants to stand out.
  • Purple Jewellery icon
    Purple Jewellery Register
    PurpleJewellery.com: A regal name that suggests elegance and sophistication. "Purple" indicates that the jewelry will be vibrant, rich, and eye-catching. The simplicity of the name makes it easy to remember and provides a clear idea of what the business is about. The name's straightforwardness also gives it a broad appeal, making it perfect for a jewelry business that wants to stand out in a crowded market.
  • Jewelry Caddy icon
    Jewelry Caddy Register
    JewelryCaddy.com: A simple yet effective name that suggests a convenient and stylish way to store and display jewelry. The word 'caddy' implies portability and organization, which make it easy to transport jewelry so that you can sell it at fairs or markets. Overall, this name is memorable and easy to remember, making it ideal for a handmade jewelry business.
  • Portable Jewelry icon
    Portable Jewelry Register
    PortableJewelry.com: A practical name that suggests ease of transport and mobility. The word 'portable' implies that the jewelry is easy to wear and can be taken with you on the go. The name is simple and easy to remember, which is great for a business that relies on repeat customers.
  • Pacific Jewelery icon
    Pacific Jewelery Register
    PacificJewelery.com: A soothing name that evokes images of the calm, tranquil ocean. It suggests handmade jewelry that's as beautiful and timeless as the ocean itself. The word 'Pacific' conveys a sense of vastness, which could imply a wide range of jewelry styles. The word 'Jewelry' is straightforward, making it easy to remember and recognize. Together, the name communicates quality, beauty, and a strong connection to nature.
  • Uniquely Love icon
    Uniquely Love Register
    UniquelyLove.com: An elegant and creative name that captures the essence of handmade jewelry. The name suggests a personal touch, evoking a sense of individuality and uniqueness. The use of 'Uniquely' emphasizes the one-of-a-kind nature of the jewelry. 'Love' implies that each piece is made with care and passion, which will resonate with customers.
  • Grey Crystal icon
    Grey Crystal Register
    GreyCrystal.com: A sophisticated name that suggests high-quality, handmade jewelry. The word 'grey' gives the impression of elegance and subtlety, while 'crystal' implies a sparkling and precious quality. The name also has a nice balance between hard and soft sounds, making it memorable and easy to say. Overall, the name suggests a unique and refined jewelry line that will appeal to those seeking something special and one-of-a-kind.
  • I Love Bead icon
    I Love Bead Register
    ILoveBead.com: A straightforward, memorable name that immediately conveys the focus of your business. The name is simple and easy to remember. 'I Love Bead' has an emotional appeal that will resonate with customers who appreciate handmade jewelry.
  • Garden Beads icon
    Garden Beads Register
    GardenBeads.com: A charming name that suggests a natural beauty in the jewelry. The name conveys a sense of delicacy and intricacy, making it perfect for a handmade jewelry business. The word 'beads' implies a variety of designs, shapes, and colors, and will appeal to anyone who loves unique jewelry.
  • Classic Hands icon
    Classic Hands Register
    ClassicHands.com: A sophisticated name that suggests high-quality handmade jewelry. The word 'classic' gives the impression of timeless elegance and tradition. The word 'hands' implies that the jewelry is crafted with care and attention to detail. The name is simple and easy to remember, while also conveying a sense of artistry and craftsmanship.
  • Ice Beads icon
    Ice Beads Register
    IceBeads.com: A unique name that evokes images of beauty, elegance, and delicacy. The word 'beads' immediately connects to jewelry, while 'ice' suggests a sparkling and dazzling quality. The name is easy to remember and has a poetic sound that will appeal to anyone looking for high-quality, handmade jewelry.
  • Feel Beautifully icon
    Feel Beautifully Register
    FeelBeautifully.com: A name that inspires self-confidence and a sense of beauty in your customers. The name implies that your handmade jewelry will make anyone feel beautiful. The word "feel" is the operative word here and encourages customers to associate a positive emotion with your business. It's a simple, yet powerful name that's easy to remember.
  • Purple Charms icon
    Purple Charms Register
    PurpleCharms.com: A charming name that suggests elegance and sophistication. The word 'purple' conveys a regal quality, while 'charms' implies an element of playful whimsy. The combination of these words makes for a memorable name that will appeal to anyone looking for unique, handmade jewelry.
  • Unicorn Diamonds icon
    Unicorn Diamonds Register
    UnicornDiamonds.com: A magical name that suggests a sense of wonder and uniqueness. "Unicorn" implies something rare and precious, while "Diamonds" suggests something valuable and beautiful. The combination of these words creates a sense of exclusivity and luxury. The name is easy to remember and will appeal to anyone looking for one-of-a-kind, handmade jewelry.
  • Cbd Jewels icon
    Cbd Jewels Register
    CbdJewels.com: A unique name that combines the trendy concept of CBD with the elegance of jewelry. The name suggests a business that creates beautiful and high-quality handmade jewelry with a focus on wellness and natural materials. The word "Jewels" implies that the products are exquisite and precious, while "CBD" implies that they're also health-oriented and beneficial. The combination of the two words is unexpected and memorable, making it a name that's sure to stand out in the market.
  • Promise Ster icon
    Promise Ster Register
    PromiseSter.com: A unique and meaningful name that suggests a commitment to quality and craftsmanship. The word "Promise" conveys a sense of trust and reliability, while "Ster" could be short for sterling silver, suggesting a focus on high-quality materials. The name is easy to remember and has a modern, sleek feel that will appeal to customers looking for handmade jewelry with a touch of sophistication.
  • Coastal Diamonds icon
    Coastal Diamonds Register
    CoastalDiamonds.com: An elegant name that evokes the sparkling beauty of diamonds and the soothing calm of the coast. The word 'coastal' suggests a connection to nature and a laid-back lifestyle, while 'diamonds' conveys luxury and sophistication. The name is easy to remember, and the alliteration of 'coastal' and 'diamonds' gives it a pleasing sound.
  • Many Pearls icon
    Many Pearls Register
    ManyPearls.com: A charming name that suggests a business that creates unique and beautiful jewelry pieces. The phrase "many pearls" evokes images of a treasure trove of beautiful, handcrafted pieces. The name is easy to remember and has a poetic sound, which will appeal to those looking for something special and unique.

When it comes to naming your handmade jewelry business, it's essential to choose a name that reflects the unique and creative nature of your work. Here are some themes to consider.

One theme is materials used in crafting the jewelry. For example, names like Granite Jewelry, Bronze Rings iconBronze Rings, Crystal Crystals, Velvet Rings iconVelvet Rings, and Wood Diamonds iconWood Diamonds suggest that your business uses high-quality materials to create stunning pieces.

Another theme is the idea of uniqueness, a crucial aspect of handmade jewelry. Names such as Forbidden Jewelry iconForbidden Jewelry, Made and Made, Something and More, UniqueLove, and Uniquely Good suggest that your business offers jewelry that is distinct and exclusive to its customers.

You can also consider names that evoke a sense of luxury, such as Gourmet Crafts iconGourmet Crafts, Pearl Charms, Bronze Gems iconBronze Gems, and Liberty Jewels. These names suggest that your business offers high-end, premium jewelry pieces that are worth investing in.

For those who want to emphasize the handmade aspect of their jewelry, names such as Handmade Gourmets iconHandmade Gourmets, Handmade Energy iconHandmade Energy, and Handmade Made iconHandmade Made are an excellent choice. These names convey the idea that your jewelry is carefully crafted by hand, adding to its value and uniqueness.

Another theme is nature-inspired jewelry, such as Herbal Jewelry, Garden Beads iconGarden Beads, and Coastal Diamonds iconCoastal Diamonds. These names suggest that your jewelry is inspired by natural elements, such as plants, flowers, and the ocean.

Lastly, you can consider names with a personal touch, such as David Dave, French Jewelers, and I Love Bead iconI Love Bead. These names add a personal touch to your business, making it easier for customers to connect with you and your brand.

In conclusion, choosing a name for your handmade jewelry business can make a big difference in attracting customers and building your brand. Consider these themes and use Domatron's name search to explore more ideas and find a name that truly sparkles.

All 2000 Handmade Jewelry Business Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Bronze Rings icon Bronze Rings
American Jeweller icon American Jeweller
Made And Made icon Made And Made
Forbidden Jewelry icon Forbidden Jewelry
Handmade Gourmets icon Handmade Gourmets
Ez Jewelers icon Ez Jewelers
Gourmet Crafts icon Gourmet Crafts
Velvet Rings icon Velvet Rings
Jewelry Folio icon Jewelry Folio
Gift Beads icon Gift Beads
Bead Expert icon Bead Expert
Cotton Jewellery icon Cotton Jewellery
Aussie Jewelry icon Aussie Jewelry
Silk Beads icon Silk Beads
Jewelry Prints icon Jewelry Prints
Green Pendant icon Green Pendant
Something And More icon Something And More
Bronze Gems icon Bronze Gems
Keep Your Hand icon Keep Your Hand
Handmade Energy icon Handmade Energy
Wood Diamonds icon Wood Diamonds
Jewel Signs icon Jewel Signs
Garlic Jewelry icon Garlic Jewelry
Chocolate Beads icon Chocolate Beads
Handmade Made icon Handmade Made
Oriental Diamonds icon Oriental Diamonds
Purple Jewellery icon Purple Jewellery
Jewelry Caddy icon Jewelry Caddy
Portable Jewelry icon Portable Jewelry
Pacific Jewelery icon Pacific Jewelery
Uniquely Love icon Uniquely Love
Grey Crystal icon Grey Crystal
I Love Bead icon I Love Bead
Garden Beads icon Garden Beads
Classic Hands icon Classic Hands
Ice Beads icon Ice Beads
Feel Beautifully icon Feel Beautifully
Purple Charms icon Purple Charms
Unicorn Diamonds icon Unicorn Diamonds
Cbd Jewels icon Cbd Jewels
Promise Ster icon Promise Ster
Coastal Diamonds icon Coastal Diamonds
Many Pearls icon Many Pearls
Always Crafted icon Always Crafted
Handmade Farms icon Handmade Farms
Bliss Stones icon Bliss Stones
Three Crystals icon Three Crystals
Yellow Necklace icon Yellow Necklace
Rare Seasons icon Rare Seasons
Meta Pendant icon Meta Pendant
Bead Capital icon Bead Capital
Bamboo Stones icon Bamboo Stones