gym app image

Starting a gym app is an exciting adventure that can help fitness-minded individuals reach their goals and make a lasting impact in their lives. Your app's name should evoke a sense of determination, resilience, and strength, motivating users to take action and feel empowered. Let's explore the possibilities and find a name that inspires your users to reach their goals and create healthy habits.

But, finding the perfect name with a matching .com domain can be a daunting task. It's easy to get lost in the countless lists of already taken domains and it's frustrating to find a name that hasn't been registered yet. That's why this article is for you! Domatron makes it easy to find the perfect name for your gym app.

We've put together a list of over 50 of the best gym app names, each accompanied by a detailed analysis of why it's a great choice. You can also search through a few thousand other gym-focused names using our AI-powered search. With our domain availability filter and regularly updated lists, you can be confident that all the names you come across are available for registration.

It's time to launch your gym app with a name that will inspire and motivate your users. Let's get started!

Top Gym App Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Weighf icon
    Weighf Register A clever, catchy name that implies weight-loss and fitness. It's a simple, memorable name that stands out and is easy to pronounce.
  • Body Caster icon
    Body Caster Register A name that emphasizes the power of technology and its ability to help people reach their fitness goals. It also implies that the app will provide personalized guidance and help users cast a new vision for their body.
  • Stikax icon
    Stikax Register A short, catchy name that conveys the idea of movement and progress. It's easy to remember, which makes it perfect for an app that should be top-of-mind when someone is looking for a gym app.
  • Gym Boots icon
    Gym Boots Register A clever name that suggests the app will help people get the most out of their workouts. The word 'boots' implies strength and support, which is exactly what an app should provide for its users.
  • Fitness Smash icon
    Fitness Smash Register A powerful and energetic name that conveys the idea of smashing through fitness goals. It's perfect for an app that helps users take their fitness to the next level.
  • Fitness Setup icon
    Fitness Setup Register A modern, tech-savvy name that conveys the idea of setting up and customizing your own fitness plan. It implies that the app will help you set up and reach your fitness goals in an efficient and personalized way.
  • Cool Muscles icon
    Cool Muscles Register A fun and memorable name that is perfect for a gym app. It implies that using the app will help you build strength and reach your fitness goals - cool muscles!
  • Muscle Skills icon
    Muscle Skills Register A name that implies that the app will help you develop skills and strength. It also gives off a feeling of empowerment and self-improvement – perfect for a gym app.
  • Lean Stronger icon
    Lean Stronger Register A great name for an app that encourages people to work out and stay in shape. The combination of 'lean' and 'stronger' conveys the idea of physical and mental strength, while also suggesting that the app will help people reach their fitness goals.
  • Fitness Uniform icon
    Fitness Uniform Register A memorable name that conveys the idea of a uniform approach to fitness. It implies that the app will provide users with a comprehensive, all-in-one solution to their fitness needs.
  • Gourmet Gym icon
    Gourmet Gym Register A clever play on words that combines the idea of high-quality, healthy food with the idea of exercise. It's a great way to convey the idea that your gym app is about more than just exercise – it's about leading a healthy lifestyle.
  • Dyna Workout icon
    Dyna Workout Register A strong name that implies dynamism and progress. It conveys the idea that using this app will lead to great results in a short amount of time.
  • Sportbility icon
    Sportbility Register A modern, catchy name that suggests an app that will help people achieve their fitness goals. The combination of 'sport' and 'ability' conveys the idea of having the power to make your fitness dreams reality.
  • Muscle Events icon
    Muscle Events Register A name that conveys strength, power, and determination. It implies that the app will help people reach their fitness goals and promote healthy lifestyles.
  • Bodyzy icon
    Bodyzy Register A name that conveys energy and enthusiasm. It suggests that the app will help people to get fit, stay fit, and have fun while doing it.
  • Fiercera icon
    Fiercera Register A strong name that conveys the idea of pushing yourself to the limit. It implies that your app is all about helping users become stronger and fiercer.
  • Cardio Avenue icon
    Cardio Avenue Register A modern, catchy name that suggests a journey to health and fitness. It conveys the idea of a journey you take with the app - an avenue to better health and fitness.
  • Cardioio icon
    Cardioio Register A fun, catchy name that evokes the idea of an active lifestyle. It has a modern, tech-savvy feel, making it perfect for a gym app. Plus, it rhymes, so people will remember it easily.
  • Gymnastia icon
    Gymnastia Register A fun, playful name that captures the joy of physical activity. It combines 'gym' and 'mania' to suggest that this app is perfect for those who are passionate about fitness and want to take it to the next level.
  • Mr Agility icon
    Mr Agility Register A creative name that implies agility and speed. It suggests that your app can help people become faster and more agile, whether it's in the gym or in life.
  • Cardio Folio icon
    Cardio Folio Register An imaginative name that suggests a smooth, organized way to keep track of your gym goals. It implies a comprehensive, easy-to-use app that will help you stay on track.
  • Fitness Swing icon
    Fitness Swing Register A dynamic name that implies motion and progress. It also conveys the idea of a fun and energizing experience, perfect for an app designed to help people get in shape.
  • Shapeize icon
    Shapeize Register A clever combination of the words 'shape' and 'size' that conveys the idea of transforming one's body. It suggests that this app will help people reshape and redefine their physical form.
  • Fittium icon
    Fittium Register A modern, tech-savvy name that suggests the idea of getting fit with the help of technology. It's a great choice for a gym app that promises to help people reach their fitness goals.
  • Zymian icon
    Zymian Register A modern, high-tech name that suggests the power of the app and its ability to help people reach their fitness goals. It conveys the idea of getting stronger and faster with the help of technology.
  • Exertable icon
    Exertable Register A strong, powerful name that implies users will be able to get the most out of their workouts. The name hints at the idea of pushing oneself to reach new heights with the help of the app.
  • Sweat Meter icon
    Sweat Meter Register A clever name that combines two concepts - sweat and meter - to convey the idea of tracking and monitoring your workouts. It suggests that your app will help measure and optimize your fitness goals.
  • Exertal icon
    Exertal Register A modern name that uses a combination of 'exert' and 'eternal', suggesting that the app will help you achieve your fitness goals and make fitness a lasting part of your life.
  • Weights Plus icon
    Weights Plus Register A name that conveys the idea of going beyond just lifting weights. It implies that your app will help people reach their fitness goals and go beyond the basics.
  • Thinnerr icon
    Thinnerr Register Short and sweet, this name is perfect for a gym app. It captures the idea of slimming down and getting fit, while also being easy to remember.
  • Mass Centric icon
    Mass Centric Register A strong name that conveys the idea of being centered around fitness. It suggests that your app is focused on helping people reach their fitness goals.
  • Fitness Position icon
    Fitness Position Register A clever name that conveys the idea of getting into the right position to stay fit and healthy. It suggests that the app will help its users stay on track and get the most out of their fitness journey.
  • Metro Workout icon
    Metro Workout Register A modern, tech-savvy name that implies this app will help people stay fit and healthy in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It suggests convenience and efficiency - perfect for a gym app.
  • Fitness Vape icon
    Fitness Vape Register A modern twist on the word 'fitness', suggesting that your app will help people stay fit with a modern, tech-savvy approach. The word 'vape' also implies that the app will be easy and intuitive to use.
  • Prep Gym icon
    Prep Gym Register A simple, direct name that conveys the idea of getting ready for something. It suggests that the app will help people prepare for their fitness goals and have the best possible workout.
  • Liftedo icon
    Liftedo Register A strong, powerful name that conveys the idea of rising up and achieving your fitness goals. It also implies that the app will help users 'lift' themselves up and reach their goals.
  • Cardio Casa icon
    Cardio Casa Register A great name that combines the idea of fitness with a home-y feeling. Casa conveys a sense of comfort and familiarity, while Cardio suggests that your app will help people get in shape.
  • Crunch Lounge icon
    Crunch Lounge Register A name that suggests a fun and energetic experience. The word 'crunch' invokes the physical aspect of exercise, while 'lounge' suggests comfort and relaxation.
  • Racing Gym icon
    Racing Gym Register An energetic, dynamic name that conveys the idea of pushing yourself to the limits and achieving your goals. Perfect for a gym app that wants to motivate users to reach their fitness goals.
  • Mighty Strongly icon
    Mighty Strongly Register A bold name that reflects the power of the gym and the strength of the users. It also conveys the idea that the app will help users become stronger and reach their goals.
  • Fitness Stash icon
    Fitness Stash Register A modern and catchy name that implies the ability to store and access your fitness data from anywhere. It's a great reminder that you can always access your workouts, no matter where you are.
  • Cardio Gator icon
    Cardio Gator Register A fun and memorable name that suggests that your app will help people stay active and fit. The alliteration of 'Gator' and 'Cardio' gives it a catchy, memorable feel.

The first theme that stands out when looking at these names is the use of words relating to fitness and movement. Words like 'weighf', 'body caster', 'stikax', 'gym boots', 'gym scooter', and 'body perfecter' all imply action and movement. They also hint at the idea of progress, as the user is moving towards their fitness goals with each step. This theme is echoed in some of the other names on the list like 'cardio bear', 'mighty stronger', 'need to fit', and 'fitness smash'.

The next theme that stands out is the use of words that emphasize strength and empowerment. Words like 'lean stronger', 'fitness uniform', and 'muscle skills' indicate that the user will become stronger and more confident after using the app. This idea is further reinforced by names like 'mr sweat', 'gourmet gym', and 'dyna workout'. The use of powerful words in these names encourages users to strive for their goals and stay motivated.

The last theme we'll discuss is the use of playful words to create fun and interesting names. Names like 'fiercera', 'cardioio', and 'gymnastia' have a lighthearted tone that encourages users to have fun while using the app. Other names like 'cardio avenue', 'fitette', and 'cardio folio' also have a fun feel to them that will help users stay motivated and engaged with the app.

All in all, we hope this analysis has helped you find a great name for your gym app! We carefully chose these names based on what you were looking for: inspiring and energetic words that evoke strength and movement while still being playful and fun. We believe these names will be perfect for your product.

All 2000 Gym App Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Weighf icon Weighf
Body Caster icon Body Caster
Stikax icon Stikax
Gym Boots icon Gym Boots
Fitness Smash icon Fitness Smash
Fitness Setup icon Fitness Setup
Cool Muscles icon Cool Muscles
Muscle Skills icon Muscle Skills
Lean Stronger icon Lean Stronger
Fitness Uniform icon Fitness Uniform
Gourmet Gym icon Gourmet Gym
Dyna Workout icon Dyna Workout
Sportbility icon Sportbility
Muscle Events icon Muscle Events
Bodyzy icon Bodyzy
Fiercera icon Fiercera
Cardio Avenue icon Cardio Avenue
Cardioio icon Cardioio
Gymnastia icon Gymnastia
Mr Agility icon Mr Agility
Cardio Folio icon Cardio Folio
Fitness Swing icon Fitness Swing
Shapeize icon Shapeize
Fittium icon Fittium
Zymian icon Zymian
Exertable icon Exertable
Sweat Meter icon Sweat Meter
Exertal icon Exertal
Weights Plus icon Weights Plus
Thinnerr icon Thinnerr
Mass Centric icon Mass Centric
Fitness Position icon Fitness Position
Metro Workout icon Metro Workout
Fitness Vape icon Fitness Vape
Prep Gym icon Prep Gym
Liftedo icon Liftedo
Cardio Casa icon Cardio Casa
Crunch Lounge icon Crunch Lounge
Racing Gym icon Racing Gym
Mighty Strongly icon Mighty Strongly
Fitness Stash icon Fitness Stash
Cardio Gator icon Cardio Gator
Savvy Workouts icon Savvy Workouts
Muscle Suite icon Muscle Suite
Body Assure icon Body Assure
Action Crunch icon Action Crunch
Daily Exerciser icon Daily Exerciser
Exertor icon Exertor
Cardio Heat icon Cardio Heat
Body Labor icon Body Labor
Exercise Ville icon Exercise Ville
Grad Gym icon Grad Gym