frugality blog image

Starting a frugality blog can help people save money, live within their means, and achieve financial freedom. The name you choose for your blog is a reflection of your values and the message you want to convey to your audience. A memorable name can help you stand out in a crowded market and attract readers who share your passion for frugality. Let's explore the various options available to find a name that conveys your message of simplicity, resourcefulness, and financial wisdom.

Choosing a name for your frugality blog can be a challenge, particularly when you want to find a name with an available .com domain. That's where Domatron comes in to help. We've curated a list of the best frugality blog names, each accompanied by a detailed analysis of why it's a great choice.

If you can't find the perfect name on our top 50 list, don't worry. We offer a comprehensive database of thousands more name ideas for your frugality blog that you can search using advanced keyword and concept searches. With our domain availability filter and regularly updated lists, you can be confident that all the names you see are available for registration.

It's time to share your passion for frugality with the world through a memorable name. Let's get started!

Top Frugality Blog Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Little Frugal icon
    Little Frugal Register An apt name that perfectly captures the essence of a frugality blog. The word "little" suggests that even small financial decisions can lead to big savings, while "frugal" conveys the idea of living a simple and cost-effective lifestyle. The name is easy to remember and has a humble and approachable sound, making it perfect for a blog that aims to help readers save money in practical and realistic ways.
  • Frugal Cougar icon
    Frugal Cougar Register An attention-grabbing name that immediately conveys the idea of saving money while also having fun. The word "Cougar" suggests a sense of empowerment and confidence, which is perfect for a frugality blog. The name is easy to remember and has a playful sound, making it perfect for a younger audience. Additionally, the name will help your blog stand out from other frugality blogs, making it more memorable and distinctive.
  • The Saving Life icon
    The Saving Life Register A straightforward name that tells readers exactly what they can expect from your blog. "Saving life" means saving money or living a frugal lifestyle, which is perfect for a frugality blog. The name is easy to remember and has a clear message that will attract readers who are looking for ways to save money. The word "the" at the beginning of the name gives it a sense of importance and authority, making it more trustworthy in the eyes of readers.
  • Lucky Frugal icon
    Lucky Frugal Register A catchy name that perfectly captures the essence of frugality. "Lucky" suggests that saving money is a fortunate and rewarding experience, while "Frugal" conveys the importance of being resourceful and mindful with your finances. The name is easy to remember, and the juxtaposition of the two words makes it stand out from other frugality blogs. Overall, it's a name that will inspire readers to find joy in saving money.
  • Big Frugal icon
    Big Frugal Register A catchy name that perfectly describes what your readers will find in your blog - tips and strategies for saving money without sacrificing quality. "Big" suggests that your tips will lead to significant savings, while "Frugal" conveys a sense of practicality and resourcefulness. The name is easy to remember and will appeal to anyone who wants to live a fulfilling life on a budget.
  • Moneyfor More icon
    Moneyfor More Register A direct name that suggests a blog that'll help readers save money and get more out of their lives. The words "Moneyfor" and "More" are easy to understand and remember, making it easy to find the blog online. The name's straightforwardness and simplicity will appeal to readers who want to learn about frugality without any fuss.
  • Cheap Profits icon
    Cheap Profits Register A straightforward name that emphasizes the value of frugality and saving money. The name is easy to remember and has a clear meaning, making it perfect for a blog that aims to help people save money. The word "profits" suggests that the blog will provide practical tips and advice for making the most of your resources. Overall, it's a name that's perfect for anyone who wants to live a more financially responsible life.
  • Frugable icon
    Frugable Register Frugable is a memorable name that suggests a blog focused on being frugal and financially savvy. The name is easy to remember and has a positive connotation. The word "frug" means economical, and the "able" suffix suggests that readers can learn how to be frugal. This name is unique because it combines two words in a clever way, making it easy to understand while still being distinctive. Overall, Frugable is a name that will attract readers who are looking for ways to save money and live a more sustainable lifestyle.
  • Costter icon
    Costter Register A smart name that suggests a blog focused on saving money. The name has a simple sound that's easy to remember. The word "Costter" is a play on the word "cost," which is perfect for a frugality blog. The name will appeal to anyone looking for tips and tricks to save money.
  • Budget Targets icon
    Budget Targets Register A straightforward name that conveys the idea of saving money and reaching financial goals. The name is easy to remember and will appeal to anyone looking to live a frugal lifestyle. The word "targets" implies a clear goal, making it a great name for a blog that provides practical tips and advice for saving money. The name's simplicity and clarity make it perfect for a frugality blog.
  • Encourage Money icon
    Encourage Money Register A motivational name that encourages readers to take control of their finances. The name implies frugality without sounding too restrictive. The word "encourage" makes it clear that the blog will offer practical tips and advice to inspire readers to save money. The alliteration of the two "m" sounds in "Money" and "Motivation" makes the name easy to remember and more unique. Overall, this name is perfect for a frugality blog that motivates readers to achieve their financial goals.
  • Frugate icon
    Frugate Register A concise name that clearly communicates the focus of your blog on frugality and saving money. The name is memorable and easy to spell, which will help your blog's recognition. The "gate" suffix suggests a portal to a world of savings and smart spending. Overall, it's a name that will help you stand out in the crowded world of personal finance blogs.
  • Save Four icon
    Save Four Register An impactful name that immediately suggests a blog that's all about saving money and living frugally. The name has a sense of urgency to it, making it perfect for a blog that encourages readers to take action. The word "four" suggests four essential principles to follow, making it easy for readers to remember. Overall, Save Four is a unique and memorable name that perfectly captures the essence of a frugality blog.
  • Budget Hats icon
    Budget Hats Register A simple and straightforward name that instantly tells the reader what the blog is about. The word 'budget' suggests frugality and living within your means, which is perfect for a blog about saving money. The name is easy to remember and has a clear and direct message. It'll appeal to anyone who wants to learn how to manage their finances better.
  • Saving Away icon
    Saving Away Register A catchy name that suggests a blog about saving money and living frugally. The name is easy to remember and has a positive sound that will appeal to anyone looking to manage their finances better. The use of "away" implies a sense of security and safety, suggesting that the blog will provide practical tips and strategies for saving money. Overall, it's a great name that will resonate with anyone looking to improve their financial situation.
  • Budget Drink icon
    Budget Drink Register A straightforward name that conveys the focus of your frugality blog. The word "budget" suggests practicality and financial savviness, which is perfect for a blog about saving money. The name is easy to remember and has a clear meaning, making it easy for readers to understand what your blog is all about. It's a name that can easily become a recognizable brand, helping you build a loyal following of readers looking for money-saving tips.
  • Save Somethings icon
    Save Somethings Register Save Somethings is a clever name that immediately conveys the idea of frugality and saving money. The name is simple, easy to remember, and will appeal to anyone looking for budgeting advice. The word "somethings" suggests that the blog covers a wide range of topics, making it an excellent resource for anyone who wants to save money in different areas of their life.
  • Sweet Frugal icon
    Sweet Frugal Register A catchy name that conveys the idea of a frugal lifestyle with a sweet twist. "Sweet" suggests that saving money can be enjoyable, while "frugal" emphasizes the importance of being smart with your finances. The name is easy to remember and has a positive, uplifting feel that will inspire readers to make positive changes in their lives.
  • Cheap Answers icon
    Cheap Answers Register An attention-grabbing name that instantly communicates the focus of your blog on frugality and saving money. The name implies that the blog will provide straightforward, no-nonsense answers to common financial questions. The word "cheap" may have negative connotations, but it can also be seen as a positive trait for those who are looking to save money. Overall, the name is memorable, easy to remember, and will appeal to anyone looking for practical advice on how to be more frugal.
  • Worth Away icon
    Worth Away Register A memorable name that suggests a blog that will provide tips and tricks for living frugally. The phrase "worth away" implies a focus on finding value in life while rejecting unnecessary expenses. The name's simplicity makes it easy to remember, and it has a unique sound that will help it stand out from other frugality blogs.
  • Money A Day icon
    Money A Day Register A straightforward name that immediately conveys the focus of your frugality blog. The name suggests that your readers can learn how to save money every day with your tips and advice. The two simple words make it easy to remember and the name is memorable, which should attract readers. Additionally, the name's brevity will make it perfect for social media sharing.
  • Save The Crowd icon
    Save The Crowd Register A catchy name that suggests a blog about saving money for the benefit of the crowd. The name is memorable and creates a sense of community, making it perfect for a frugality blog. The phrase "save the crowd" is an interesting play on the phrase "save the date," which adds a unique and memorable twist to the name.
  • Budget Dogs icon
    Budget Dogs Register A straightforward name that tells you exactly what to expect from the blog. "Budget" implies that the blog will provide tips and advice on how to save money, while "Dogs" gives a fun and quirky spin to the subject matter. The name is easy to remember and has a playful sound that will make readers feel at ease.
  • Save Cities icon
    Save Cities Register A name that immediately conveys the mission of the blog, which is to help people save money while living in cities. The name is simple, memorable, and easy to spell, making it perfect for a blog. The word "save" suggests practical tips, while "cities" connects to urban living, making it easy for readers to know what to expect. Additionally, the name contains alliteration, which makes it more memorable.
  • Frugal Yoga icon
    Frugal Yoga Register A practical name that suggests a blog about living a frugal lifestyle while staying healthy. The word "yoga" adds a spiritual element to the name, suggesting a balanced and mindful approach to saving money. The name is easy to remember and will appeal to people who want to live a fulfilling life without breaking the bank.
  • Discount Worx icon
    Discount Worx Register A catchy name that suggests a blog devoted to helping readers save money. The word "worx" implies that the site will provide practical tips and strategies for living frugally. The name has a modern feel to it that will attract a younger audience. Overall, it's a great name that effectively communicates the site's focus on discounts and savings.
  • Budget Fruit icon
    Budget Fruit Register A straightforward and practical name that immediately conveys the focus of the blog - frugality. The name is easy to remember and has a no-nonsense feel to it, which will appeal to people who are looking for practical tips to save money. The name is also relatable and approachable, making it easier for people to connect with the content of the blog.
  • Low Worth icon
    Low Worth Register A straightforward name that immediately communicates the frugal nature of your blog. The name's simplicity makes it easy to remember and ties to the blog's core message of finding value in everyday things. The word "worth" implies that your blog will help readers find high-quality products and experiences without breaking the bank.
  • Savinga Home icon
    Savinga Home Register A descriptive name that immediately suggests a blog about saving money on home expenses. The name is easy to remember and suggests a practical approach to frugality. The word "home" gives it a personal touch, making it relatable to anyone who wants to save money on household expenses.
  • Costimum icon
    Costimum Register A clever name that suggests a blog dedicated to helping people save money. "Cost" implies frugality, while "imum" suggests the maximum amount of savings. The name is easy to remember and has a modern, tech-savvy feel that will appeal to younger audiences. It'll help your blog stand out in a crowded online space and showcase your brand as an expert in financial management.
  • Pay It Free icon
    Pay It Free Register A memorable name that encourages readers to save money. The phrase "pay it free" implies a sense of financial freedom and security, which is perfect for a frugality blog. The name's structure is easy-to-remember, and its play on words is both clever and engaging. It'll attract people who want to live within their means while enjoying life to the fullest.
  • Costset icon
    Costset Register An intriguing name that immediately conveys the idea of being cost-efficient. The word "set" in the name suggests a definitive plan or strategy, which is perfect for a frugality blog. The name is easy to remember and has a modern feel that will appeal to younger audiences. Overall, it's a smart name that'll help your blog stand out in the crowded world of personal finance.
  • Thrifty Brain icon
    Thrifty Brain Register A straightforward name that conveys a sense of resourcefulness and practicality. The word "brain" suggests intelligence and savvy, making it perfect for a frugality blog. The word "thrifty" is clear and easy to understand, conveying the benefits of saving money. The name is short, memorable, and easy to spell, making it perfect for a blog. Overall, it's a name that will appeal to readers looking to save money and make smart financial decisions.
  • Frugalr icon
    Frugalr Register A simple and clear name that encapsulates the essence of frugality. The "r" at the end gives it a modern and trendy feel that will attract younger audiences. The name is easy to remember and suggests a blog that will offer practical tips and advice on saving money. The unique spelling will make it stand out in search engines and social media.
  • Budget Discounter icon
    Budget Discounter Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates the blog's focus on budgeting and saving money. The name implies that the blog will offer tips and advice on how to save money without sacrificing quality. The words "discounter" and "budget" are easy to understand, making it easy for readers to connect with the blog's message.
  • Cover Savings icon
    Cover Savings Register A straightforward and descriptive name that conveys the idea of a blog that helps people save money. The name suggests that the blog will cover all aspects of saving money, from everyday expenses to long-term investments. The word "savings" is also a strong call-to-action, urging readers to take control of their finances. Overall, this name is perfect for a frugality blog that aims to help people achieve financial freedom.
  • Healthy Budgets icon
    Healthy Budgets Register A straightforward name that clearly conveys its purpose of helping people achieve a healthier financial life. The name suggests that with this blog, readers will learn how to live a healthy life without breaking the bank. "Healthy" links to wellness, while "budgets" are related to finance, making it easy to remember and relevant to its target audience.
  • Economy Theory icon
    Economy Theory Register A straightforward name that clearly communicates the focus of your blog. "Economy Theory" suggests a blog that explores the principles of frugality and saving money. The name's simplicity makes it easy to remember and easy to understand. The word 'Theory' adds a touch of academic rigor, suggesting a blog that takes a thoughtful and analytical approach to personal finance.
  • Thrifty Work icon
    Thrifty Work Register A practical name that immediately conveys the idea of a frugality blog, offering tips on how to save money and work smarter. The word "thrifty" suggests a person who is careful with money, and "work" ties it up to a blog that's work-oriented and results-driven. The name is straightforward, easy to remember, and will appeal to those who want to be more financially savvy.
  • Thrifty Day icon
    Thrifty Day Register A catchy name that suggests a blog dedicated to living a frugal lifestyle. "Thrifty" implies a positive approach to saving money, while "Day" suggests that every day is an opportunity to be thrifty. The name is short, memorable, and easy to spell, making it perfect for a blog. It's unique and will help your blog stand out in a crowded market.
  • Charity Saving icon
    Charity Saving Register Charity Saving is a name that suggests a blog about frugality and saving money, but with a positive spin. The name "Charity" evokes a sense of generosity and giving back, which could attract readers who are interested in philanthropy. "Saving" clearly indicates that the blog will provide tips and advice on how to save money. The word breakdown is simple and easy to understand, which makes the name easy to remember. Overall, the name is unique and has a positive tone that is sure to resonate with readers.
  • Bargainrs icon
    Bargainrs Register A memorable name that instantly conveys the idea of finding great deals and saving money. "Bargainrs" is easy to remember and easy to spell, making it perfect for a blog. The word "rs" at the end of the name also suggests a community of like-minded individuals sharing tips and tricks.
  • Frugal Villa icon
    Frugal Villa Register A straightforward name that immediately conveys the theme of frugality. The name suggests a place where you can find practical tips and advice on how to save money. The word "villa" adds a touch of elegance and refinement, making it an inviting and comfortable place to learn about frugality.
  • Saving Age icon
    Saving Age Register A practical and straightforward name that instantly implies a focus on saving money. The word "age" gives the name a sense of time and urgency, encouraging readers to act now to secure their financial future. The name is easy to remember and will appeal to anyone looking for practical advice on how to save money.
  • Cashless Home icon
    Cashless Home Register A straightforward name that immediately suggests the focus of the blog on frugality. The word "cashless" implies that the content will provide tips and tricks for managing finances without spending too much. The word "home" suggests a focus on household expenses. The combination of the two words makes it memorable and easy to remember. Overall, it's a name that's perfect for a blog that aims to help people save money and live a more sustainable life.
  • Farmers Money icon
    Farmers Money Register A name that powerfully conveys the idea of saving money by adopting frugal habits. The name is memorable and easy to remember, perfect for a blog. The name also has a strong and confident sound to it, suggesting that readers will gain valuable insights and tips on saving money. The unique combination of "farmers" and "money" gives the name a comforting, down-to-earth feel that will resonate with readers who are looking for practical advice on how to manage their finances.
  • Frugal Greens icon
    Frugal Greens Register A straightforward name that suggests a blog focused on saving money while still living a green life. "Frugal" is a clear and concise way to describe budget-friendliness, while "greens" links to eco-friendliness and sustainability. The name is easy to remember, and the combination of the two words makes it very clear what the blog is about.
  • Cheap Manual icon
    Cheap Manual Register An attention-grabbing name that immediately communicates the focus of your frugality blog. The word "cheap" is straightforward in meaning, and it's paired with "manual," which suggests practical advice and guidance. The name is easy to remember and will help your blog stand out in a crowded market. Its straightforwardness and practicality will appeal to readers looking for budgeting tips and ways to save money.
  • Budget Plates icon
    Budget Plates Register A straightforward name that conveys the purpose of the blog. The word "budget" suggests a focus on affordability, while "plates" implies a focus on food and cooking. The name is easy to remember and has a clear and concise message. It'll appeal to anyone interested in living frugally without sacrificing quality.
  • Costarist icon
    Costarist Register A smart name that suggests a blog for people who want to be savvy with their money. The "co-" prefix suggests collaboration, and "starist" sounds like someone who's a specialist at something. Together, they create a sense of community and expertise, which is perfect for a frugality blog. The name is easy to spell and memorable, making it perfect for building a brand around.
  • Dollar For You icon
    Dollar For You Register A straightforward name that suggests a blog that's all about saving money. The name is easy to remember and has a clear connection to the subject matter. The word "dollar" implies financial savings, which is perfect for a frugality blog. The name also has a friendly and approachable feel that will appeal to readers who are looking for practical money-saving tips. Overall, it's an excellent name that will help your blog stand out in a crowded niche.

When it comes to naming a frugality blog, the possibilities are endless. You want a name that is catchy, memorable, and conveys your blog's message. Here are some of the names that can be used for your frugality blog and the themes they represent.

One common theme for a frugality blog name is money-saving tips and ideas. Examples of these names are Frugal Coffee, Little Frugal iconLittle Frugal, Lucky Frugal iconLucky Frugal, Frugal Cougar iconFrugal Cougar, and Big Frugal iconBig Frugal. These names suggest that readers can find useful and practical tips for saving money.

Another theme is budgeting, seen in names such as Budget Targets iconBudget Targets, Budget Hats iconBudget Hats, Budget Fruit iconBudget Fruit, Budget Plates iconBudget Plates, and Economy Theory iconEconomy Theory. These names emphasize the importance of budgeting and financial planning.

A third theme is the sense of community, where the blog is a place where frugal-minded individuals can come together. Examples of these names include Thrifty Day iconThrifty Day, Charity Saving iconCharity Saving, Farmers Money iconFarmers Money, and Frugal Villa iconFrugal Villa. These names suggest that the blog is a place for people to share their frugal tips and ideas and connect with others who share their mindset.

Some frugality blog names focus on the benefits of saving money. Examples of these names include The Saving Life iconThe Saving Life, Save The Crowd iconSave The Crowd, Saving Away iconSaving Away, and Savinga Home iconSavinga Home. These names emphasize the positive effects of frugality and the importance of saving money.

Another theme for a frugality blog name is the idea of getting more value for your money. Examples of these names include Cheap Profits iconCheap Profits, Bargainies, Discount Worx iconDiscount Worx, and Cost Fast. These names suggest that readers can find ways to stretch their money further and get the most value for their spending.

Finally, you could choose a name that emphasizes the idea of being mindful and intentional with your spending. Examples of these names include Money A Day iconMoney A Day, Thrifty Brain iconThrifty Brain, and Healthy Budgets iconHealthy Budgets. These names suggest that readers can find ways to be more mindful and intentional with their spending, making better decisions about how they use their money.

In summary, when naming a frugality blog, it's important to consider the themes and values that resonate with your readership. Your blog name should convey your message and make an impact on your target audience. Use Domatron's name search below to explore any theme or idea you can imagine and find the perfect name for your frugality blog.

All 2000 Frugality Blog Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Little Frugal icon Little Frugal
Frugal Cougar icon Frugal Cougar
The Saving Life icon The Saving Life
Lucky Frugal icon Lucky Frugal
Big Frugal icon Big Frugal
Moneyfor More icon Moneyfor More
Cheap Profits icon Cheap Profits
Frugable icon Frugable
Costter icon Costter
Budget Targets icon Budget Targets
Encourage Money icon Encourage Money
Frugate icon Frugate
Save Four icon Save Four
Budget Hats icon Budget Hats
Saving Away icon Saving Away
Budget Drink icon Budget Drink
Save Somethings icon Save Somethings
Sweet Frugal icon Sweet Frugal
Cheap Answers icon Cheap Answers
Worth Away icon Worth Away
Money A Day icon Money A Day
Save The Crowd icon Save The Crowd
Budget Dogs icon Budget Dogs
Save Cities icon Save Cities
Frugal Yoga icon Frugal Yoga
Discount Worx icon Discount Worx
Budget Fruit icon Budget Fruit
Low Worth icon Low Worth
Savinga Home icon Savinga Home
Costimum icon Costimum
Pay It Free icon Pay It Free
Costset icon Costset
Thrifty Brain icon Thrifty Brain
Frugalr icon Frugalr
Budget Discounter icon Budget Discounter
Cover Savings icon Cover Savings
Healthy Budgets icon Healthy Budgets
Economy Theory icon Economy Theory
Thrifty Work icon Thrifty Work
Thrifty Day icon Thrifty Day
Charity Saving icon Charity Saving
Bargainrs icon Bargainrs
Frugal Villa icon Frugal Villa
Saving Age icon Saving Age
Cashless Home icon Cashless Home
Farmers Money icon Farmers Money
Frugal Greens icon Frugal Greens
Cheap Manual icon Cheap Manual
Budget Plates icon Budget Plates
Costarist icon Costarist
Dollar For You icon Dollar For You
Thrifty Candy icon Thrifty Candy