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For me, finding a great name for a project is extremely rewarding. A great name can capture the potential of the application and help people see the value of the application. It is the first step to launching a powerful and impactful application. Finding a good name is hard and time-consuming but it pays off.

With a good name, you can make a difference. You can find a name that resonates with your audience, creates a strong presence and eventually helps you, your app and users reach their goals.

In this article, I'll help you find a great AI app name plus the right domain name to go with it. I'll start with a list of over 50 top choices. After that, I will analyze the names on the list to help you understand what makes a good name. And finally, I'll give you hundreds more name ideas to help brainstorm.

So, if you're ready to find your perfect AI app name and register a .com domain, let's get started.

Top AI App Name Ideas

Here are my top name choices. Click on each name to check if the domain is still available. This list is updated regularly.

  • Appuntia icon
    Appuntia Register This playful name communicates the idea of 'appointments', suggesting that your app will easily help customers make appointments and manage their busy schedules. The name has a modern feel, which is perfect for an AI app.
  • Clever Gesture icon
    Clever Gesture Register A clever name that reflects the intelligence and capabilities of AI. It suggests that the app will be able to interpret the user's needs and provide them with helpful, thoughtful solutions.
  • Appuntio icon
    Appuntio Register A creative name that combines the words 'app' and 'untie', conveying the idea that this app will help people untie knots in their lives. The -tio suffix gives it a modern, tech-savvy feel.
  • Mindiser icon
    Mindiser Register An intriguing name that suggests the use of AI to help people better understand themselves. The combination of "mind" and "adviser" suggests that this app will provide users with helpful, personalized insights.
  • Mind Servant icon
    Mind Servant Register A creative name that suggests the helpfulness of AI technology. It implies that the app will be a servant to its user's needs, helping them find solutions to their problems quickly and efficiently.
  • Silent Gesture icon
    Silent Gesture Register A name that conveys the idea of an app that can understand and respond to your needs without you having to say a word. It suggests that the app is intuitive and can read your body language, making it an effective tool for communication.
  • Contact Valve icon
    Contact Valve Register An imaginative name that implies a connection between the user and the technology. It suggests that the app will help you make the right connections and find the right answers.
  • Commandmatic icon
    Commandmatic Register Short, punchy and modern, this name invokes the idea of AI as a powerful tool that can be used to command technology. It's a great name for an AI App.
  • Hey Thinking icon
    Hey Thinking Register A witty play on words that suggests the app will help people think smarter and more efficiently. The name implies that the app will be a helpful, friendly companion that can think for you.
  • Mental Option icon
    Mental Option Register A clever name that implies the potential of an AI app to help people make decisions. It suggests that the app will be a powerful tool to help people think more clearly and make better decisions.
  • Approxs icon
    Approxs Register A modern, tech-savvy name that reflects the power of AI and the potential of what it can do. Approxs implies that it will help you get approximate answers quickly, so you can move on to the next task.
  • Appuntis icon
    Appuntis Register This name combines the words "app" and "puntis" which means "points" in Italian. It evokes the idea of the app offering users points for completing tasks, making it perfect for a rewards-based app.
  • Personal Logics icon
    Personal Logics Register A sophisticated name that implies a connection between the user and the app. It suggests that the app can be tailored to the user's individual needs, and that it can provide personalised logic-based insights.
  • Mob Brain icon
    Mob Brain Register A creative, modern name that reflects the power of ai and the intelligence of machine learning. The name implies that your app will be smarter than the average, like a brain that can think and anticipate on its own.
  • Smart Reliant icon
    Smart Reliant Register A clever name that implies that the AI-based app is smart and reliable. It's a great way to tell customers that they can trust the app to get the job done.
  • Uber Minded icon
    Uber Minded Register A modern, tech-savvy name that implies intelligence and sophistication. It suggests that your AI app is ahead of the curve in terms of innovation and insight.
  • Command Command icon
    Command Command Register A bold name that evokes the idea of having control over your data and technology. It conveys the idea of giving you the power to make decisions and take command of your ai applications.
  • Xoemo icon
    Xoemo Register An eye-catching name that suggests technology, intelligence, and innovation. It has a futuristic feel and implies that your app is up-to-date with the latest developments in AI.
  • Confident Logic icon
    Confident Logic Register A great name that conveys the idea of a technology that is both reliable and intelligent. It implies that the app will use logic and data to help you make confident decisions.
  • Virtual Notify icon
    Virtual Notify Register A modern name that perfectly captures the idea of an app that uses artificial intelligence to notify users. It suggests that the app will be efficient and reliable, and be able to provide timely notifications.
  • Signal Signals icon
    Signal Signals Register The perfect name to convey the idea of an app powered by artificial intelligence. The double-meaning of 'signals' implies that the app will be able to detect and interpret signals from the environment.
  • Cleveroid icon
    Cleveroid Register A modern name that conveys the idea of intelligence and automation. It suggests that your AI app will be incredibly clever and efficient.
  • Mind Bred icon
    Mind Bred Register A name that suggests the power of artificial intelligence. It also conveys the idea that the app will be "bred" to understand and think like the user, giving it a personal touch.
  • Simuencia icon
    Simuencia Register A unique name that hints at the power of artificial intelligence. The combination of the words 'simulate' and 'science' suggests that your AI app will help customers unlock new possibilities through the power of simulation.
  • Commandism icon
    Commandism Register A powerful name that implies the app can be used to control and command technology. It suggests the app will provide a powerful and efficient AI experience.
  • Magic Logics icon
    Magic Logics Register A perfect name for an AI application, as it implies a combination of the 'magic' of AI and the 'logic' of programming. It suggests that the app can create a unique and powerful experience for users.
  • Pynlo icon
    Pynlo Register A short and catchy name that connotes speed and efficiency. The name suggests that your app will help people get things done quickly and easily.
  • Mental Gator icon
    Mental Gator Register A cool and catchy name that conveys the idea of an AI app that can help you think more quickly and efficiently. Plus, the alliteration in the name gives it a memorable ring.
  • Intel Culture icon
    Intel Culture Register A modern, tech-inspired name that conveys the idea of using Artificial Intelligence to create a culture of learning and innovation. It suggests that your app will be a hub for discovering and exploring the possibilities of AI.
  • Psipo icon
    Psipo Register A mysterious name that suggests the power of AI. It conveys a futuristic, tech-savvy feel that will help your AI app stand out from the crowd.
  • Tellifa icon
    Tellifa Register A futuristic name that conveys the idea of artificial intelligence. The name has a modern, techy feel that suggests innovation and progress.
  • Intel Phonics icon
    Intel Phonics Register A clever name that combines the idea of intelligence (Intel) and sound (phonics) to signify the power of the app. It suggests that the app can help you understand the world around you better.
  • Appuitive icon
    Appuitive Register A unique blend of the words 'app' and 'intuitive' that implies that the app will be able to anticipate the user's needs and provide tailored solutions. It suggests a clever, modern approach to AI.
  • Smarttistics icon
    Smarttistics Register This name encapsulates the idea of smart technology and statistics, perfectly conveying what the application does. It has a modern, forward-thinking feel to it.
  • Self Clever icon
    Self Clever Register A clever name that conveys the idea of intelligence and self-learning. It implies that the app will help users become more clever and knowledgeable.

The first theme I noticed was the use of AI-related terms. Names like Appuntia iconAppuntia, "Cortexc," Clever Gesture iconClever Gesture, Mindiser iconMindiser, and "Genuine Intel" all utilize terms related to AI. This reflects the power and potential of artificial intelligence as well as the innovative nature of the app.

The second theme I noticed was the use of words related to technology. Names like "Appasto," Contact Valve iconContact Valve, "Contact Tab," and Commandmatic iconCommandmatic all involve tech-related words that create a sense of innovation and power. This is perfect for an AI app since it will be using technology to accomplish something powerful.

The third theme I noticed was that many of the names involve a combination of terms. Names like Appuntio iconAppuntio, "Aiiusa," Mind Servant iconMind Servant, and "Virtual Detector" all combine two words to create a unique name that can be used to describe the app. This combination of words creates an interesting, memorable name that can be used to market the app.

The fourth theme I noticed was that some of the names suggest intelligence or cleverness. Names like Hey Thinking iconHey Thinking, "Smart Gazer," Confident Logic iconConfident Logic, and Cleveroid iconCleveroid are all suggestive of intelligence, which is perfect for an AI app. These words suggest that the app is smart and can be trusted with important decisions or tasks.

The fifth theme I noticed was that some of the names imply an easy-to-use experience. Names like Silent Gesture iconSilent Gesture, Virtual Notify iconVirtual Notify, "Mind Tent," and Self Clever iconSelf Clever all suggest that the user experience will be intuitive and simple, which is essential for any successful AI app. These words also suggest that users won't need to spend a long time figuring out how to use the app; they'll be able to simply get started right away.

Finally, some of the names suggest a sense of connection or community, such as with names like Mind Bred iconMind Bred, Uber Minded iconUber Minded, 'Intel Connection,' and 'Mind Citizen." These names imply that your AI app will create a connection between users and help them feel part of something bigger than themselves. These types of names are great for apps striving to create an engaged community.

In conclusion, my list of names contains many themes that reflect both the power and potential of AI as well as the innovative nature of tech in general. From terms related to AI, tech-focused phrases, combinations of words for a unique name, clever suggestions for intelligence, easy-to-use experiences, and even community building—there's something here for every kind of AI app you could be working on! Hopefully this list has helped you in your search for a name for your new venture!

All 2000 AI App Name Ideas

Sorting by domain score
Appuntia icon Appuntia
Clever Gesture icon Clever Gesture
Appuntio icon Appuntio
Mindiser icon Mindiser
Mind Servant icon Mind Servant
Silent Gesture icon Silent Gesture
Contact Valve icon Contact Valve
Commandmatic icon Commandmatic
Hey Thinking icon Hey Thinking
Mental Option icon Mental Option
Approxs icon Approxs
Appuntis icon Appuntis
Personal Logics icon Personal Logics
Mob Brain icon Mob Brain
Smart Reliant icon Smart Reliant
Uber Minded icon Uber Minded
Command Command icon Command Command
Xoemo icon Xoemo
Confident Logic icon Confident Logic
Virtual Notify icon Virtual Notify
Signal Signals icon Signal Signals
Cleveroid icon Cleveroid
Mind Bred icon Mind Bred
Simuencia icon Simuencia
Commandism icon Commandism
Magic Logics icon Magic Logics
Pynlo icon Pynlo
Mental Gator icon Mental Gator
Intel Culture icon Intel Culture
Psipo icon Psipo
Tellifa icon Tellifa
Intel Phonics icon Intel Phonics
Appuitive icon Appuitive
Smarttistics icon Smarttistics
Self Clever icon Self Clever
Mind Exchanger icon Mind Exchanger
Better Gesture icon Better Gesture
Psiie icon Psiie
App Pact icon App Pact
Logic Remix icon Logic Remix
Wise Calling icon Wise Calling
Appuntix icon Appuntix
Happyoid icon Happyoid
Pynmo icon Pynmo
Smart Chitter icon Smart Chitter
Appsax icon Appsax
Clever Wink icon Clever Wink
Pynro icon Pynro
Neuro Villa icon Neuro Villa
Sonic Cognition icon Sonic Cognition
Simiha icon Simiha
Mind Uniter icon Mind Uniter